Michael Perchin tablebell

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Michael Perchin tablebell

Post by ktiggeloven »

Dear forum members,

I've included pictures of a tablebell which carries the makers mark of Michael Perchin and looks his style, however it is not marked as Fabergé and comes in a box of a different jeweller on the Nevsky Prospekt. Does anybody know whether the workshop of Perchin made items exclusively for Faberge or might they also have worked for other high end retailers? Did the workshp continue after Perchin's death in 1903? I hope anybody can help with these questions.
Thanks in advance,

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Re: Michael Perchin tablebell

Post by AG2012 »

As a journeyman he initially worked for Kollin and later in 1884 qualified as a master craftsman. Shortly thereafter, in 1886, Faberge appointed him head workmaster. He had his own workshop at Oficirska`ia ulica (Офицерской улицa) then at Bolsha`ia Morskaia 11, (Большую Морскую, 11) but moved into Faberge premises in 1900 when it was built.

After his death, the workshop was taken over by his older apprentice and fellow master Henrik Wigström.

(По смерти его, мастерская перешла в ведение старшего его подмастерья и товарища по ученью Г.Вигстрема).

The History of the House of Fabergé according to the recollections of the senior master craftsman of the firm, Franz P. Birbaum (St Petersburg, Faberge and Skurlov, 1992)
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Re: Michael Perchin tablebell

Post by Qrt.S »

Unfortunately I must tell you that the tablebell is not made by Mihail Perkhin. The marks as well are dubious and there is no town mark. Mihail Perkhin worked exclusively for Faberge. His right hand was Henrik Wigstrom who took over when MP died in 1903.
Summa summarum, unidentified maker, dubious and insufficient marks, strange name on box, the box is not in outstanding quality.... What conclusions can be made based on these facts? Moreover, finding a previously unknown object made by Perkhin is close to impossible in these days.
Nonetheless, this is my personal opinion.
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Re: Michael Perchin tablebell

Post by ktiggeloven »

Thank you for your opinion. I already had some suspicions it might not be right so this only confirms those. It's good to know. Thanks again for your expertise.
Kind regards,

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Re: Michael Perchin tablebell

Post by Qrt.S »

No problem, you are welcome. Meanwhile I managed to read the name on the box. It ARNDT (Samuel). A very well known goldsmith in St Petersburg. He made objects for Nicholls & Plinke but not Fabergé. Why would a Perhin made bell be put in Arndt's box???
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Re: Michael Perchin tablebell

Post by AG2012 »

Samuel Arndt worked and lived in Gorohova`ia street, NOT at Nevskii, 18 and the mark was SA. Further confusion: there was another workshop at Nevskii (the address on the box) owned by Johan Arndt Hellwig.
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Re: Michael Perchin tablebell

Post by Dad »

Hi, all.

The box looks as original. From Ivanov A.N. “Gold and silversmiths in Russia (1600-1926)”. Moscow, 2002:


But item and marks (84, МП) are fake, certainly.

Best Reg..
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Re: Michael Perchin tablebell

Post by AG2012 »

Interestingly, only George Logye (Ложье Жорж) is mentioned here; it seems there is so much to research.
"А НД"

Название фирмы происходит, очевидно от Арнда Иоганна Хелвига, ЗДМ, который приехал в СПб из Германии. 1832 г. альдерман работал для Императорского Двора. Свидетельство с 1898 г. 1900: полные товарищи франц. гражданин Ложье Жорж Генрих и п. п. г. Дмитрий Иванович Осипов. 19051916: "Арнд", Т. Д., Невский, 1812, (торг. орденами), владелец Бок Карл Иванович, до 1902 г. владелец: Дм. Осипов.
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