Hello forum.
Bought this few day ago.
Tested like solid silver.
Found a lot of similar fish in the Internet (attributed as Spain), but stuck with these marks.
So like always i hope for your help.
Small mark looks like X on hexagon.
Big articulated silver fish - unknown marks.
Re: Big articulated silver fish - unknown marks.
Buenos días, La estrella es marca para la plata de 915 milésimas adoptada en España desde 1936 hasta los años 60-70.
La otra marca es la de la tienda que lo vendió, (no es el fabricante) Pedro López (Lo - Pez).
Aún siguen activos en Madrid - España. Adjunto su web.
Un saludo.
Good morning, La estrella is a brand for 915 thousandths silver adopted in Spain from 1936 to the 60s and 70s.
The other brand is the one of the store that sold it, (it's not the manufacturer) Pedro López (Lo - Pez).
They are still active in Madrid - Spain. I attach your website.
a greeting
La otra marca es la de la tienda que lo vendió, (no es el fabricante) Pedro López (Lo - Pez).
Aún siguen activos en Madrid - España. Adjunto su web.
Un saludo.
Good morning, La estrella is a brand for 915 thousandths silver adopted in Spain from 1936 to the 60s and 70s.
The other brand is the one of the store that sold it, (it's not the manufacturer) Pedro López (Lo - Pez).
They are still active in Madrid - Spain. I attach your website.
a greeting