Porringer or Bleeding Bowl

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Joined: Thu Sep 16, 2010 4:38 pm

Porringer or Bleeding Bowl

Post by spobby »

Could anyone please define the difference between these two items? Many have said they are one and the same
My interpretation- Bleeding Bowl is shallow (ish) cushion shaped bowl with single handle & Porringer - two handled lipped deep bowl (I had thought for containing a porridge like substance?)
This would clear up a heated exchange
Many thanks in advance
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Joined: Fri Apr 13, 2012 9:47 am

Re: Porringer or Bleeding Bowl

Post by AG2012 »

There is actually no difference unless a vessel is obviously a bleeding bowl with an engraved scale inside to show how much blood is let, or there is a notch in the lip. Size cannot help the definition; there are very deep bleeding bowls with 32 fluid ounces mark! Most of them are marked with maximum 8 fluid oz, though.
That is not enough for an average porridge ration unless meant to be used by children. But if too small, one would classify them as brandy bowls or wine tasters.

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