Information Regarding the Webster Company

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Information Regarding the Webster Company

Post by dognose »

A topic for recording information regarding the Webster Company of North Attleboro, Massachusetts and its earlier entity of G.K. Webster & Company.


If you have any details of the above company, advertisements, examples of their work, etc., anything that you are willing to share, then here's the place to post it.



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Re: Information Regarding the Webster Company

Post by dognose »

An example of the work and mark of the Webster Company:



See: viewtopic.php?f=2&t=60783

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Re: Information Regarding the Webster Company

Post by dognose »



George Kendall Webster, donor of a public library to his native town of Wentworth, died June 4 at his home in North Attleboro, Mass., in his 72nd year. He was the president of the Webster Company, one of the largest silver factories in the country, and was noted for his generosity and public spirit. Two daughters survive him.

Source: The Granite Monthly - September 1921

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Re: Information Regarding the Webster Company

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February 5, 1912

It was stated that the G. K. Webster Company, employing 300, was to leave town, and in support of the story it was pointed out that Mr Webster recently bought a valuable parcel of real estate in Providence. But developments proved that there was no truth in this Webster story, although the discussion following it early demonstrated that the manufacturers are dissatisfied with the methods of the North Attleboro assessor who, they claim, are largely governed by politics. E. I. Richards in a public letter, called attention to the fact that the town consider the manufacturers as friends instead of enemies even though they did not join in radical political movements not believe in the kind of revaluation the assessors are making.

Source: The Metal Industry - February 1912

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Re: Information Regarding the Webster Company

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NORTH ATTLEBORO. MASS.— G. K. Webster & Company are making arrangements to avail themselves of electrical power now being furnished by the municipal plant and have installed a 35-hp motor to operate their factory.

Source: Electrical World - 17th August 1907

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Re: Information Regarding the Webster Company

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Messenger Carrying $3,000 for Manufacturing Jewelers’ Payroll Held Up and Robbed at North Attleboro, Mass.

North Attleboro, Mass., Aug. 25. — An unusually daring attempt at highway robbery, which narrowly missed success, was made on Wednesday morning when the messenger of G. K. Webster & Co. was waylaid and an effort made to secure the money for the firm’s payroll, amounting to over $3,000.

It is the custom of the Webster Co. to send a messenger named Arthur Greene every Wednesday morning to the Jewelers’ National Bank to secure funds to pay off the help. Last week he went about his task as usual, and received a trifle over $3,000 done up in a package and secured with twine. Leaving the bank, he mounted his bicycle and started up Bank St. He had gone but a short distance when three men sprang out from the hedges. One man drew a blackjack and struck Greene four wicked blows on the back of the head. Another man displayed a revolver, while the third was making a strong effort to grab, the boy by the throat.

The messenger made a plucky fight, but the money was wrenched from his hands and the men started to escape. The boy followed shouting, and several men came to his assistance. The assailants finally tossed away the coin and managed to escape after an exciting chase to some woods.

Mr. Webster was not content with recovering his money, but came out with an offer oi a $500 reward for information that would lead to the arrest and conviction oi the assailants. He also engaged Detectives Thomas Henry and Goldowsky to work on the case.

Early Friday morning four men were rounded up in Woodlawn, R. I., charged with the crime. At the Pawtucket police station two were identified as having taken an active part in the attempted robbery, and were brought over to Attleboro. The others were released. In the Attleboro District Court that morning the men, who gave their names as William Bebeau and Henry Laferriere, asked for a continuance until Thursday, which was granted.

It is believed that the incident will have a wholesome effect in making the concerns take more care in the methods they use in having their money carried from the bank to the factory. In the past but little care has been taken.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 29th August 1906

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Re: Information Regarding the Webster Company

Post by dognose »

Follow-up to above post:

One Man Held on Charge of Holding Up North Attleboro Jewelry Messenger — Another Released

North Attleboro, Mass., Sept. 1. — Henry Laferriere and William Bebeau, arrested last week on suspicion, were given a hearing in the Attleboro District Court. Thursday, charged with being implicated in the daring holdup of G. K. Webster & Co.’s messenger. After a hearing which extended over six hours, and at which matters were thoroughly thrashed out, Laferriere was ordered discharged and Bebeau was held for the Grand Jury. Bebeau’s bonds were set at $15,000.

Laferriere was able to prove an alibi. He had witnesses to show that he was in Pawtucket at the time the holdup is alleged to have occurred. Regarding Bebeau, the witnesses, including Arthur Greene, the messenger, were certain that he was the man that wielded the club or blackjack, although the defendant stoutly insists upon his innocence.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 5th September 1906

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Re: Information Regarding the Webster Company

Post by dognose »

Sugar-tongs by the Webster Company:



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Re: Information Regarding the Webster Company

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An accident took place at the factory of the Webster Co. last Friday, but fortunately it will not result seriously. An employe, Adlor Jacobs, poured some lacquer into a receptacle used for burning refuse. The fluid ignited and an explosion followed. The receptacle was hurled in the air, the lacquer spattered over Jacobs and fell on his arms inflicting horrible burns.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 22nd August 1906

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Re: Information Regarding the Webster Company

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Orin W. Clifford of the Webster Co. has been enjoying a vacation at his Summer residence on the Cape.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 2nd August 1916

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Re: Information Regarding the Webster Company

Post by dognose »

Napkin-rings by the Webster Company:




WC with arrow.

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Re: Information Regarding the Webster Company

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Ground was broken Monday for the proposed new factory of George K. Webster & Co. It is designed by architect Karl H. Hyde and build by George W. Hopkins. The shop is 160 feet 6 inches by 34 feet, and one story high. A 60 feet L will be used as an engine room and a 26 foot L as a coloring room.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 8th June 1898

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Re: Information Regarding the Webster Company

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Frank E. Carter, a jeweler, was brought to the Rhode Island Hospital in this city Sunday suffering from a probably fatal cut on the head. Carter was found lying unconscious on the railroad roadbed near the freight depot, in Pawtucket, at 5 o’clock Sunday morning. He is an expert tool maker and has worked in a number of the jewelry shops in this city. He was last employed by G. K. Webster & Co., North Attleboro. Monday morning Carter was reported by the hospital authorities as being still alive but unconscious.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 16th November 1898

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Re: Information Regarding the Webster Company

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A slide-rule/hem-gauge by the Webster Company:




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Re: Information Regarding the Webster Company

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George K. Webster, of the Webster Co., has presented to the Bank St. school a supply of maples for planting on the school grounds.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 29th April 1903

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Re: Information Regarding the Webster Company

Post by dognose »

A smoker's set by the Webster Company:



WC with arrow.

WC with arrow.

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Re: Information Regarding the Webster Company

Post by dognose »

A tastevin by the Webster Company:



WEBSTER - WC with arrow/STERLING/19846

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Re: Information Regarding the Webster Company

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Arthur C. Sylvester, who has resigned his position as superintendent of the George C. Cahoone Co., Providence, to take a similar position with the George W. Parks Co., before going to Providence, was superintendent of the Webster Co.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 27th February 1907

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Re: Information Regarding the Webster Company

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The George W. Parks Co., silversmiths, 236 Aborn St., has engaged as superintendent of the factory Arthur C. Sylvester, who formerly occupied that position for some 15 years with the Webster Co., North Attleboro, Mass. Mr. Sylvester entered upon his new duties Feb. 18. The company, which now manufactures a large and popular line of silver wares for the wholesale trade, has just enlarged its plant and installed additional machinery which will enable the management to increase the output to meet the present demand.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 27th February 1907

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Re: Information Regarding the Webster Company

Post by dognose »

A decanter label/bottle ticket by the Webster Company:




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