Artificial intelligence

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Artificial intelligence

Post by amena »

Hi all
I'm quite antique, from the first half of the 20th century, however I'm fascinated by the potential of computers and artificial intelligence.
It seems to me that hallmark recognition could be an area where artificial intelligence could be of great help.
Obviously I don't have the slightest idea of how it could be done, but I think that if we tried to entrust the task to a specialist and then educated this "intelligence" with what each of us knows, we could obtain a magnificent application.
What do you think about?
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Re: Artificial intelligence

Post by oel »

Hi Amena,

The idea is good. Facial recognition is already possible, why not world hallmark recognition. The problem will be to find the AI specialist and probably the cost.
But I am in.


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Re: Artificial intelligence

Post by amena »

There is already an app that from the photo of a leaf can identify which plant it belongs to.
Sometimes it gives more than one solution, but it's still a great help.
We need something similar for our hallmarks.
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Re: Artificial intelligence

Post by MGArgent »

Seems like an inevitable president. This evolution would also include the ability to re-create antique looking markings for modern pieces
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