Information Regarding R. Blackinton & Co.

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Re: Information Regarding R. Blackinton & Co.

Post by dognose »

R. Blackinton & Company - North Attleboro, Mass. - 1914

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Re: Information Regarding R. Blackinton & Co.

Post by dognose »

The Gentlemen's Driving Club is an organization of prominent jewelers of the Attleboros. The club runs a fine park and one of the best tracks in New England. The annual meeting was held last week. Roswell Blackinton was chosen president; Dr. T. L. Swift, vice-president; J. A. Codding treasurer, and O. W. Clifford, secretary. The track committee consists of E. I. Franklin; the speed committee of Dr. T. L. Swift, E. I. Franklin and Oscar Wolfenden; and the executive committee of E. I. Franklin, G. H. French and Oscar Wolfenden.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular and Horological Review - 27th February 1895

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Re: Information Regarding R. Blackinton & Co.

Post by dognose »

Walter B. Ballou of R. Blackinton Co., accompanied by his wife have returned from the south where they have been spending the winter.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 19th April 1928

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Re: Information Regarding R. Blackinton & Co.

Post by dognose »

Mr. and Mrs. Walter Ballou have returned to their home here after spending the winter at Pinehurst, N. C.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 19th April 1928

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Re: Information Regarding R. Blackinton & Co.

Post by dognose »

The bowling team representing the polishing room of R. Blackinton & Co., polished off the toolmakers the other night at the Anawan Alleys in a match game, the two strings being heartbreakers. The toolmakers took the second event by a single pin, while the polishers won, leading just two pins in the final event. Kiernan was the high bowler of the match with a three string total of 267.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 19th April 1928

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Re: Information Regarding R. Blackinton & Co.

Post by dognose »


R. Blackinton & Co. have put handsome fixtures in their new office at 3 Maiden Lane, A prominent part of the new furniture 1s a large show-case, in which silver goods are displayed.

Source: The Keystone - June 1898

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Re: Information Regarding R. Blackinton & Co.

Post by dognose »

Richard Merrifeld has gone on a western business trip for the R. Blackinton Co.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 23rd June 1926

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Re: Information Regarding R. Blackinton & Co.

Post by dognose »

Walter B. Ballou, president of R. Blackinton & Co., is on an extended western trip to the Pacific Coast for the firm.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 23rd June 1926

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Re: Information Regarding R. Blackinton & Co.

Post by dognose »


Owing to unavoidable delays R. Blackinton & Co., now at 3 Maiden Lane, will be unable to move to their New York offices at 15 Maiden Lane until the last of May or the first of June.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 13th May 1908

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Re: Information Regarding R. Blackinton & Co.

Post by dognose »


Samuel H. MacPherson, for the past 12 years a buyer for A. Stowell & Co., Boston, has taken a position with R. Blackinton & Co, of this town. He will travel through New York State and the middle west.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 28th May 1919

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Re: Information Regarding R. Blackinton & Co.

Post by dognose »

I. J. Metcalf, representing R. Blackinton & Co., was taken ill while at St. Louis and left for his home in North Attleboro. On arrival at Boston he was unable to proceed and was taken to a hospital.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular and Horological Review - 25th January 1893

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Re: Information Regarding R. Blackinton & Co.

Post by dognose »

Howard M. Ballou, of R. Blackinton & Co., spent several days the past week in New York and vicinity.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 15th September 1926

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Re: Information Regarding R. Blackinton & Co.

Post by dognose »

Mr. and Mrs. R. Blackinton are sojourning at Oak Bluffs and are registered at the Nassau.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 25th August 1926

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Re: Information Regarding R. Blackinton & Co.

Post by dognose »

R. Blackinton & Co. are in need of more room for their increased business, and A. H. Bliss & Co. have under consideration the construction of a large addition to the Whitney building, of which R. Blackinton & Co. are tenants.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 22nd April 1903

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