British Hallmarking Under Threat!

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British Hallmarking Under Threat!

Post by dognose »

There is a real danger that hallmarking in the UK could be abolished as part of a new initiative launched by the Government on 7 April 2011 called the Red Tape Challenge.

To prevent this 700 year old tradition disappearing overnight, The Goldsmiths’ Company Assay Office urges you to register your support for hallmarking on the Red Tape website.

You only have until 5th May 2011 to reply and help to save hallmarking in the United Kingdom.

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Re: British Hallmarking Under Threat!

Post by dognose »

Just a couple of days to go now. Please support this worthy campaign.

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Re: British Hallmarking Under Threat!

Post by dognose »

From the Goldsmiths' Company News Bulletin, May 2011:

"Further to our last news update we would like to say a huge thank you to all of those who registered their support for hallmarking on the Government's 'Red Tape Challenge' website.

Hallmarking, one of eight retail related subjects up for discussion, received by far, the largest amount of support with, at the last count, 5,774 comments, of which only a small handful wanted to see hallmarking abolished or revised in some way.

We monitored the responses on a daily basis and the support received has been overwhelming, with many well known organisations including the N.A.G., LBMA, the Art Fund, the Silver Society, Johnson Matthey and even overseas diplomats all giving huge support. We can only hope that the Government will see how detrimental the effect of aboloshing hallmarking would be.

The original closing date given was 5 May 2011, however for those who have not yet voiced an opinion, it would appear that you can still up-load your comments on the 'Red Tape Challenge' Website.

We will not find out the decision on hallmarking for some time yet, however a progress report of the retail sector will be posted on the 'Red Tape Challenge' website in three months from now, so in the meantime, keep calm and carry on hallmarking."


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Re: British Hallmarking Under Threat!

Post by dognose »

From The Goldsmiths' Company News Bulletin, August 2011:


The Government have completed their deliberations regarding the Red Tape Challenge on hallmarking. You will be pleased to hear that it has been recognised as a "good regulation' and will therefore be maintained.

The entire results of the ‘retail’ round have now been reviewed and the Government has confirmed that they are proposing to “simplify, improve or abolish two-thirds of the retail regulations”. Minister for Business and Enterprise, Mark Prisk, said, “we are preserving good regulation, such as the hallmarking regime, for which there was strong support.”

Dr Robert Organ, Deputy Warden, said, “without the huge support of the trade the result of the Red Tape Challenge could have been very different. We would therefore like to say a very big thank you to all of those who registered their support for hallmarking on the Red Tape Challenge website. We are lucky that we are in an industry that pulls together at times like this and from a personal point of view it is reassuring that hallmarking is viewed as being so important.”

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Re: British Hallmarking Under Threat!

Post by salmoned »

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Re: British Hallmarking Under Threat!

Post by user701 »

That's excellent news!!
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