Japan what material?

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Japan what material?

Post by Hose_dk »

Its silver all right. The pictures show 2 differnt cigaret holders. Both are in silver. One merked STERLING the other marked with a pagode+STERLING. Thats all the marks. Both are made with a decoration showing mount Fuji with water in front where boats sail. Gardens, buildings tree's. The same motiv is on as well inside as outside.

Colors - silver, black, brown, gold - i soppose that each color represent a different metal / alloy. Can anyone tell me which metals. So I can read more.


pictures show 2 different items.
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Re: Japan what material?

Post by FredZ »

Your cigarette cases are made using at least three different alloys and these alloys have been butt soldered to each other using a high temp silver solder. The precision is great and you will not usually see a solder seam at the juncture of the alloys. The alloys are a high grade of silver, usually 950/1000, pure copper (not technically an allow), and shakudo (an alloy of copper and 4-10% gold) The shakudo is treated with a chemical dip to create the rich blue black seen on you cases. Someone has polished the outside of one of your cases and thus he shakudo is reverted back to it's copper color. Note that the design on the inside is the mirror image of the outside design. This process is called "Marriage of Metals" in Western cultures. I have several examples of this work in a variety of designs. Often you will see the alloy Shibuichi used to create a grey shade in the pallet of the design.
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Re: Japan what material?

Post by FredZ »

Here is an example of a sample I made using fine silver, 4% shakudo & copper.
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Re: Japan what material?

Post by Hose_dk »

interesting, I guessed that it was cobber and silver. Any chance of gold?
But I did not see the Black as you describe. The one polished was the first one I got. I knew that its worn and used and therefor the Black has disappered. Today I tested with a magnet - and the Black is not in any way magnetic.
The other 3 cigaret cased I have bought later, after starting to know.
These 2 in this thread is shiny Black - the 2 others I saw as another material as the blick is not shiny but matt. Therefor I took it for 2 different materials, but I see your point. Thanks for educating. We learn every day.

And nice item you made. My interest is the concept of silver. Sorry I have no technical skills - or artistic for that matter.
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Re: Japan what material?

Post by FredZ »

Gold is sometimes used though it looks as if the brilliant highlights are the bare copper or shakudo exposed by the engraving on the design. Gold would have been used sparingly because of its cost.

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