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1798-1809 French Tongs with Unknown CAB Maker

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 1:27 pm
by neurorocker
Hi there,

I could use some help with these French tongs please. They have some fun marks on them besides the maker mark. Is the one mark an ear?! I look forward to any assistance you may be able to provide and I am grateful as always for the feedback. Thanks!



Re: 1798-1809 French Tongs with Unknown CAB Maker

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 2:27 pm
by Smokanabeach
Hello Neurorocker,

I will try to make my contribution!

In order:

-photo 2: goldsmith not found
- photo 3: an ear; punch of average census for Paris, 1809
- photo 4: a rooster turned to the right and looking to the left; title punch .950, Paris, 1798-1809
- photo 5: punch of large guarantee, Paris, 1798-1809
- photo 6: punch which resembles that of the association of goldsmiths (1793) but which does not seem to correspond with the other dates unless there is a re-punching ...

To see with the experts of the site!

Re: 1798-1809 French Tongs with Unknown CAB Maker

Posted: Wed Aug 26, 2020 2:56 pm
by dognose

Re.- Photo 6, I believe it is now firmly established that this mark can be found as late even as 1838.

A full explanation by member blakstone can be found here: viewtopic.php?f=7&t=45351


Re: 1798-1809 French Tongs with Unknown CAB Maker

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2020 1:17 pm
by blakstone
The maker is Charles Antoine Blerzy. Arminjon (v. I, no. 571) has very little information on him, just that he registered his mark 1799/1800 at 10 Place Thionville as a maker of "la grosserie" (a plateworker, essentially, as opposed to a maker of flatware or smallware, though there was, of course, much crossover). My research has been similarly paltry: all I could find is that he was born in Paris around 1769, the son of gilder Jean Baptiste Blerzy and his wife Anne Francoise Elisabeth Baudry, and was a member of the Blerzy family of silversmiths and jewelers, which included his uncle Joseph Etienne Blerzy (1735-1821; master 1768) [Arminjon I: 1741] and cousins Philippe Blerzy [Arminjon I: 2842] and Etienne Lucien Blerzy [Arminjon I: 977]

Hope this helps!

Re: 1798-1809 French Tongs with Unknown CAB Maker

Posted: Wed Sep 02, 2020 2:26 pm
by neurorocker
Wow. Blakstone! Thank you thank you. I would've been grateful for a maker, but all of the information beyond that was very interesting to read. How kind of you and the others who helped me characterize this simple pair of tongs.