Forum Member Buckler

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Forum Member Buckler

Post by dognose »

Dear Members,

It is my sad duty to inform you of the passing of the long time member of the Forum, Buckler.

Clive Taylor had been a member of the forum since 2007, his contribution to it was massive. It was he who was the driving force behind the forum sections: Grimwade's Biographies ~ Updates and London Lost Registers & Unrecorded Marks. His knowledge on the subject of silver was immense and willingly shared. On the subject of British silver buckles and buckle-makers, I know of no one else who knew a fraction of what Clive knew. He was a true expert.

I had the pleasure to spend a couple of weekends with Clive and his lovely wife, Sue, at their Warwickshire home and on their fine narrowboat, those memories of their hospitality and Clive's sense of humour will remain deep in my mind forever.

Our deepest sympathy and thoughts go out to Clive's family and friends.

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Location: Virginia Beach, Virginia

Re: Forum Member Buckler

Post by silverly »

Clive will be sorely missed by me and no doubt by many others. He did a lot to try to keep me on the right track and was always considerate in those efforts.
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Re: Forum Member Buckler

Post by user701 »

Oh no, I always enjoyed reading his posts on the buckles he came across over the years. He will be missed greatly on the forum.

My condolences to his family.
Posts: 395
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Location: Australia

Re: Forum Member Buckler

Post by Waylander »

Vale Clive.
Posts: 1738
Joined: Tue Feb 25, 2014 1:26 am

Re: Forum Member Buckler

Post by Aguest »

::: I'm saddened by the loss of The Buckler :::
:::::: Thoughts and prayers to loved ones ::::::
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