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Dragon Ring?? Please Translate! Thank You!

Posted: Wed Sep 08, 2021 6:49 pm
by pinagus
I bought this dragon ring online, and was told that it was an antique and that the symbols meant sterling silver in Asian, I didn't bother to ask from what country it was from. I was mesmerized by it, I just wish I knew what the hallmark meant? I have done tons of research on the web, but nothing! Some have said it means pure silver in Chinese & others say one character means silver & the other pattern. I would highly appreciate any HELP!!
Thank you!

Re: Dragon Ring?? Please Translate! Thank You!

Posted: Tue Oct 05, 2021 6:32 pm
by Ag999
If the characters in the second and third pics were turned right side up, then the double character on the right is the jungin mark which means silver. Could be Chinese or (more likely, I think) Japanese.
I cannot read the other characters.
Lucky find !

Re: Dragon Ring?? Please Translate! Thank You!

Posted: Wed Oct 06, 2021 9:20 pm
by AllSeasons
The third image has the Chinese characters 纹银, which means sterling silver, or textured silver. The textured part comes from the fact that this is a characteristic exhibited by high quality silver. In contemporary terms, that's 92.5% silver. During the Ming dynasty, it denoted 98% silver; during the Qing dynasty (right after the Ming), it was 93.5%+ silver. For more info, you can refer to this page (in Chinese):

Hope this helps.