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help determine the year of the spoon

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2023 6:01 am
by vicont5
help determine the year of the spoon

the letter c looks more like 1790 than 1766
but the jeweler's mark was placed from 1739-1765
what year is this spoon
Thank you

Re: help determine the year of the spoon

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2023 6:40 am
by silvermakersmarks
It's 1766. Note the shape of the surround around the harp. You should also be aware that the illustrations in my date tables are representative rather than 100% accurate. Your post will also allow me to extend the dates for Christopher Skinner.


Re: help determine the year of the spoon

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2023 6:51 am
by vicont5
Thank you
I didn't pay attention to the outline of the frame

Makers' Marks & Hallmarks on British & Irish Silver

Re: help determine the year of the spoon

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2023 11:45 am
by scorpio
While some references list Christopher Skinner as working between 1739-1765, Douglas Bennett lists him as 1736-1780 in both his reference books. We know Bennett used all available Dublin street directories and if you check Wilson's Dublin Street Directory 1780, you'll see Christopher Skinner, Goldsmith, at 6 Goat-alley in 1780. Bennett has Skinner at Astons Quay from 1736-1755 and at 6 Goat Alley from 1756-1780. How productive he was in the latter years I have no idea but the 1780 Directory does confirm he was still a goldsmith but perhaps he was not actively making silver items.

A UK dealer had a hook end basting spoon with the date letter T for 1767 (photos available online). Also, another UK dealer sold a rare marrow scoop/spoon by Christopher Skinner dated to 1770 by examining the Hibernia and Harp marks in Kurt Ticher's Hall-Marks on Dublin Silver 1730-1772, a pamphlet issued by the National Museum of Ireland in 1968 (Bennett also covers these in Irish Georgian Silver published 1972). I have both references and, having examined the photo (available online) of the hall marks, concur with 1770. Beyond that date, I cannot find any hall-marked silver for Skinner.

Re: help determine the year of the spoon

Posted: Sat Dec 09, 2023 3:24 pm
by AG2012
Vast majority of berry spoons didn’t start life as berry spoons, but were often plain spoons that were decorated at a later date.
I opt for Victorian decoration.

Re: help determine the year of the spoon

Posted: Sun Dec 10, 2023 11:56 am
by vicont5
I also saw small spoons like this, 12-14 cm, but I couldn’t buy them