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Small Ladle from 1827, Ship Mark

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2023 12:11 pm
by Joerg
Dear Forum Members
Can you help me with this small ladle? On the back of the stem we have a nice large mark of a ship and two times punched "C I"?
It is engraved with "C D 1827" and handcut decorations. The bowl is gilded, but the gilding is flakeing off. From the look of the bowl it could be silver plated, also, I recall I read once if the maker mark is punched double it is plated....
However, from the style it is from 1827, and this is too early for silverplate, and a double punched maker mark may have other reasons.
Is it maybe Scandinavian?
Please help me with the mistery.
Merry Christmas







Re: Small Ladle from 1827, Ship Mark

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2023 3:35 pm
by Theoderich
Yes, it is Tondern.
Caspar Johannsen

Re: Small Ladle from 1827, Ship Mark

Posted: Mon Dec 25, 2023 4:12 pm
by Joerg
Oh! That was fast!
Thank you very much.