Mexican Silver Turban and Obsidian Brooch HELP!

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Mexican Silver Turban and Obsidian Brooch HELP!

Post by renard40 »" onclick=";return false;
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Brooch has "Silver Mexico" mark on the back.

I am trying to identify date and possible maker.

I believe the stone is obsidian and not onyx.

Any help will be appreciated.

Here is a pix I found of the same brooch with a different face:

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Post by ValkyrieVixen »

The mask is an extremely common design in Mexican jewelry, made in many regions by many artisans and at many different times. The Silver Mexico mark dates it pre-1948 but there is no way to guess where it was made or who made it, there are numerous towns that produce silver jewelry in Mexico.
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Joined: Tue May 18, 2010 10:53 pm
Location: downtown

Thank you!

Post by renard40 »

Thank you!
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