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Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Tue Feb 25, 2014 3:00 pm
by dognose

8, Christopher Street, Finsbury Square, London

Stahlecker's - London - 1909

The business of Charles Frederick Stahlecker was established in 1890.

Stahlecker's entered their mark 'CFS' (Charles Frederick Stahlecker) contained within an oval punch, with the London Assay Office on the 17th August 1911.


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Sat Mar 01, 2014 11:06 am
by dognose

418-422, Strand, and 52, Bedford Street, London

Sims & Mayer - London - 1909

Sims & Mayer - London - 1910

Sims & Mayer - London - 1911

Sims & Mayer - London - 1911

Sims & Mayer - London - 1912

Sims & Mayer - London - 1922

Pursuant to the Trustee Act, 1925.
NOTICE is hereby given that all persons having any claims against the estate of George McDonald Reid late of " Golden Acre" Angmering-on-Sea, Sussex formerly of " Green Shutters " Summer Hill Lane, Lindfield, Haywards Heath, Sussex, also of 2 Frognal Lane, N.W.3 and 17 Old Court Mansions W.8 (who also carried on a Mail Order Business under the name of " Sims & Mayer " at 52 Bedford Street, Strand, W.C.2, and 17 Duke Street Brighton) who died on the 11th December 1938 are hereby required to send particulars, in writing, of their claims to us the undersigned on or before the I4th March 1939, after which date the estate will be distributed among the parties entitled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall then have been received.–Dated 29th December 1938.
LINKLATERS and PAINES. 2, Bond Court, Walbrook, E.C.4, Solicitors for Midland Bank
Executor and Trustee Company Limited,
Executor of the Deceased.

Source: The London Gazette - 3rd January 1939


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Sun Mar 02, 2014 2:17 pm
by dognose

12, Golden Lane, and Koh-i-noor House, London

L. & C. Hardtmuth - London - 1909

L. & C. Hardtmuth Ltd. - London - 1913

L. & C. Hardtmuth were granted a British patent, number 6958,for their cigar piercers in 1899.

As well as the Sampson Mordan & Co. and London hallmarks that were applied, the cigar piercers are also marked L.& C. Hardtmuth Patent.


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Wed Mar 05, 2014 11:54 am
by dognose

4, Broad Street Buildings, Liverpool Street, London

Spieler Watch Co. - London - 1908


Cytherspieler, Simon, known as Spieler, Simon Cyther - At present in lodgings at 29, Elizabeth-street, in the city of Liverpool, formerly carrying on business at 94, Brick-lane, London, E., in partnership with H. Brodtman as the Spieler Watch Company, and formerly residing at 91, Mile End-road, London, now residing at 14, Brighton-road, Southend-on-Sea, in the county of Essex.

Source: The London Gazette - 7th February 1911


At an Extraordinary General Meeting of the Members of the said Company, duly convened, and held at 3, Cook-street, Liverpool, in the county of Lancaster, on the 5th day of February, 1912, the following Special Resolution was duly passed; and at a subsequent Extraordinary General Meeting of the Members of the said Company, also duly convened, and held at the same place, on the 29th day of February, 1912, .the following Special Resolution was duly confirmed:– "That it has been proved to the satisfaction of this Meeting that the Company, by reason of its liabilities, cannot continue its business, and that it is advisable to wind up the same, and accordingly that the Company be wound up voluntarily, and that the appointment of the Liquidator be left in the hands of the creditors."

Source: The London Gazette - 15th March 1912


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Thu Mar 06, 2014 7:16 am
by dognose

42, North End, Croydon

Courlander Ltd. - Croydon - 1897

The Companies (Consolidation) Act, 1908.
In the Matter of L. COURLANDER Limited. (In Voluntary Liquidation.)
PURSUANT to section 188 of the Companies (Cosolidation) Act, 1908, a Meeting of the creditors of the above named Company will be held at No. 50,
North-end, Croydon, in the county of Surrey, on the 26th day of April, 1921, at eleven o'clock in the forenoon. Any person claiming to be a creditor and
desiring to be present should at once inform the undersigned, Louis Courlander, at his address, No.50, North-end, Croydon aforesaid.–Dated this 18th day of April, 1921.
MARSHALL, LIDDLE and DOWNEY, 62, North-end, Croydon, Solicitors for the said Louis Courlander

Source: The London Gazette - 19th April 1921

Some acrobatic burglars paid a visit to Messrs. Courlanders' jewelry store at Croydon over the week-end and made off with a valuable collection of rings, brooches and watches. They made a hole in a show window two feet in diameter, after sliding down drain piping to an adjoining corridor from neighboring premises in which they had lain concealed over night.

Source: The Jewelers' Circular - 1st November 1922

When a customer brought his gold pocket watch into Courlander's shop on Richmond, Surrey, recently, he produced a receipt to prove it had been bought there. Bearing a penny mauve stamp, the receipt, for £6-10s-10d., was dated March 7, 1879.

Source: Watchmaker, Jeweller & Silversmith - October 1958


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Fri Mar 07, 2014 4:40 pm
by dognose

8, Long Lane, Aldersgate Street, later, 8 & 9, Chiswell Street, London

A.E. Gutmann & Co. - London - 1908

A.E. Gutmann & Co. - London - 1909

A.E. Gutmann & Co. - London - 1909

A.E. Gutmann & Co. - London - 1912

In 1905 Alfred Ernest Gutmann obtained the UK distribution rights for the recently patented vacuum flasks of Burger & Aschenbrenner of Berlin that were later sold under the trade name 'Thermos'.

A.E. Gutmann & Co. entered their mark 'A.E.G' contained within an oblong punch with clipped corners, with the London Assay Office on the 3rd May 1907.


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Thu Mar 13, 2014 5:29 pm
by dognose

19, Bouverie Street, Fleet Street, London

C.E. Morton & Co. - London - 1839


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Sat Mar 15, 2014 12:22 pm
by dognose

22-24, Kirby Street, Hatton Garden, London

Fred Manshaw Ltd. - London - 1957

A Brilliant golden cover encloses the new 20-page catalogue of jewellery recently issued by Fred Manshaw Ltd., of Kirby Street, Hatton Garden. The firm's increased range of lockets is fully illustrated, and there are photographs of a wide range of earrings, rings, brooches and pendants as well as charms and charm bracelets. New topical charms include a sputnik.

Source: Watchmaker, Jeweller & Silversmith - February 1959

The name is often mis-spelt as Mansure.


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 8:28 am
by dognose

34, Stronsa Road, London

I. Markovits - London - 1962


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Wed Mar 19, 2014 11:11 am
by dognose

19, Cockspur Street, Pall Mall, London

Edward Scrivener - London - 1863

'Ten years Principal Assistant to the late Fredk. Dent of 61, Strand'


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Thu Mar 20, 2014 12:04 pm
by dognose

53, Cricklewood Broadway, London

W. & A. Gilbert - London - 1957

Users of the trade name 'GILWED'.

W. & A. Gilbert register their mark 'W & A G' contained within an oblong punch, with the London Assay Office.


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Sat Mar 22, 2014 12:31 pm
by dognose
EVERY-READY Co. (Great Britain) Ltd.

36a, Northampton Street, Essex Road, and 102, Charing Cross Road, later, The Every-Ready Works, Hercules Place, Holloway, London

Every-Ready - London - 1911

Established in 1901 as the American Electrical Novelty Co.Ltd., they were later styled The British Every-Ready Electrical Co.Ltd. In 1913 they restyled again to the New British Every-Ready Electrical Co.Ltd., and in 1920 to the Ever-Ready Co. (Great Britain) Ltd.

The business entered their marks 'AL' (Alfred Loebl - Managing Director) contained within two conjoined circles with double outline, on the 15th September 1904, and similar on the 11th November 1904. 'SS' (Samuel Stern - Managing Director) contained within two conjoined circles with double outline, on the 28th February 1912. 'B.E.R.C' (British Every-Ready Co.) contained within an oblong punch with clipped corners, on the 9th July 1913, all with the London Assay Office.


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Sun Mar 23, 2014 11:13 am
by dognose

75, Aldersgate Street, London

I O & Co - London - 1908

Im Obersteg & Co. entered their mark 'I O & Co' contained within a reel shaped punch, on the 16th March 1908 with the London Assay Office.


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Mon Mar 24, 2014 9:56 am
by dognose

An example of the work of Gillian Elizabeth Mallett, a spoon, 8" (20cm) in length with a hand-hammered bowl, assayed at London in 1977:

GEM - London - 1977


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Tue Mar 25, 2014 12:36 pm
by dognose

Southall, London

Abbott Bros. - Southall - 1908

If I understand correctly, Abbott Brothers were primarily makers of bee-hives, and perhaps the marketing of the above spoon was originally for honey and a spin-off from their usual output, but that is guesswork only.

Abbott Bros., Beehive Manufacturers, 9, Merchant's Quay, –A comparatively new industry of increasing importance is the manufacture of improved beehives and appliances. Twenty years ago the bar frame hive was a scientific implement, costing about five pounds, and suitable only for the wealthy amateur. The founder of the above firm, Mr. C. N. Abbott, foreseeing the important position improved beekeeping was capable of taking in the industries of Great Britain, devoted the whole of his attention and considerable capital to its encouragement. He established 'The British Bee Journal' devoted solely to apiculture, and besides giving practical advice by post to all requiring it, made such important improvements in beehives and appliances that the name of Abbott soon became amongst beekeepers as a household word. At the same time, by manufacturing these appliances on a large scale and by improved machinery, he so lessened the cost of them that a hive superior in every way to the former expensive appliance can now be obtained for half a guinea, thus being within the reach of farmers, and even most labourers. That his efforts, and those of his sons who succeeded him, have been appreciated, is proved by the fact that during the last twelve years the firm have been awarded upwards of 800 prizes at the various shows at which they have exhibited their unrivalled productions. Their principal factory is at Southall, near London, with offices at Ludgate Arcade, London. Their latest success has been the establishment of the Dublin branch, which is a factory complete in every way, and largely employing Irish labour, and being under the experienced management of the founder's eldest son, it is turning out work of a class not previously seen in Ireland. Although so recently established, it already monopolises nearly the whole of the trade in its specialities, being the only factory in Ireland devoted exclusively to beehive making. Messrs. Abbott s illustrated catalogue is well worth perusal. Their manufactures were shown at the Olympia Exhibition, Stand 438.

Source: The Industries of Dublin. Historical, statistical, biographical. An account of the leading business men, commercial interests, wealth and growth - 1887


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Thu Mar 27, 2014 9:04 am
by dognose

22, Grafton Street, London

An example of the work and mark of Jane Sarginson, a jam ladle with a hammered-finish bowl and ball finial, 5½" (14.2cm) in length and weighing 32 grams, assayed at London in 2005:



JS - London - 2005


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Mon Mar 31, 2014 7:35 am
by dognose

Oil Mill Lane, Hammersmith, later, 9, Maddox Street, Regent Street, later, 4, Conduit Street, Regent Street, later, 39, Grosvenor Street, London.

The Artificer's Guild was established in 1901 by Nelson Dawson, the ownership of the business passed to Montague Fordham Ltd.(t/a the Montague Fordham Gallery), of 9, Maddox Street, Regent Street, in 1903. In 1906 the Maddox Street Gallery was renamed The Artificers' Guild (late Montague Fordham) art metalworkers. The directors of Montague Fordham Ltd. were noted as Montague E. Fordham, Edward Napier Hitchcock Spencer, and Henry Franks Waring.

H.F. Waring was replaced in 1906 by Gertrude Spink, and following the retirement of Fordham, two new directors were appointed, Lewis Hamilton, and George Manners in 1911.

The workshops of the Artificers' Guild were located at, firstly, as from 1910, British Grove, Chiswick, and then from the mid 1930's to Bush Green House, 5a, Uxbridge Road, Shepherds Bush.

Much of the work of the Artificers' Guild was designed by Edward Spencer.

An example of the work of Edward Spencer, a vase, hand-raised with applied wire-work, and engraved zig-zag decoration and having a loaded base. 8" (20.5cm) in height and weighing 612 grams, assayed at London in 1937:




ES - London - 1937

The firm's marks, entered with the London Assay Office, are as follows: 'ND' (Nelson Dawson) contained within two circles, on the 14th June 1901. 'M F Ltd' (Montague Fordham Ltd.) contained within an oblong punch with clipped corners, on the 9th January 1904. 'As Gd above Ld' contained within a heraldic shield, on the 26th April 1906, and similar, on the 20th July 1914. 'ES' (Edward Spencer) contained within a heraldic shield.


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 1:55 pm
by dognose

1a, Fore Street, London

L. Wiener - London - 1912

Louis Wiener was noted as an importer of silver wares when he entered his mark 'LW' contained within an oblong punch with concave right and left sides, with the London Assay Office on the 14th May 1904.

He was described in 1913 as an Electroplate Manufacturer.


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 11:22 am
by dognose

7, Ely Place, Holborn, later, 13, Charterhouse Street, London

Artistic Novelties Ltd. - London - 1912

The Artistic Rolled Gold Co. were thought to have been established by Carl Hirth, an importer of jewellery from Germany. The business became a subsidiary of Murrle, Bennett & Co., it's directors recorded as Ernest Mürrle, John Baker Bennett and Imanuel Saacke. Following the retirement of Bennett in 1907, the business was later converted into a limited liability company styled Artistic Novelties Ltd. with Mürrle as chairman, Saacke a director, and Carl Hirth as managing director. The company relocated to 13, Charterhouse Street, the address of Murrle, Bennett & Co., in 1915.

Artistic Novelties Ltd. were noted as exhibitors at the Jewellers' Exhibitions of 1912, 1913, and 1914.


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Sat Apr 05, 2014 3:29 pm
by dognose
RICHFORD & Co. (formerly The Rubber Stamp Co. and The City Rubber Stamp Co.)

153, Fleet Street, and 28, Gloucester Street, Clerkenwell, and 34, Cheapside, and 13, Paternoster Row, London

Richford & Co. - London - 1912

Established in 1876 by Edwin Miller Richford. Presumably succeeded by 'EPR'. The business was noted as exhibiting at the Inventions Exhibition of 1885.

The business entered their mark 'E.M.R' (Edwin Miller Richford) incuse and without outline, with the London Assay Office on the 15th September 1898.
