Hello, in 2017 “Dognose” posted in this Forum section, the below circa 1847 advert promoting a “W.Wilson” as watch selling and watch repairing pawnbroker.
Here is an image of a pocket watch movement, possibly sold, repaired or even “made” (assembled??) by W.Wilson at 105 Pilgrim Street.
This gentleman could have been “William Wilson” with trade directory entries as below at that same 105 Pilgrim St address.
Ward's Northumberland & Durham Directory, 1850
....................Wilson William, pawnbroker, 105 Pilgrim St
Slater's Commercial Directory of Durham, Northumberland & Yorkshire,1855, Newcastle
....................Wilson Wm pawn broker, I05 Pilgrim St
Post Office Directory of Northumberland & Durham, 1858
...................Wilson Wm. pawnbroker 12 Pilgrim Street
There are a couple of earlier trade entries that could also have been him
....Directory of Newcastle upon Tyne & Gateshead, 1801
..................Wilfon (Wilson) Wm. pawnbroker, Love-lane
There is another entry in this directory though, Wilfon (Wilson) George, pawnbroker, at “ditto” from “Sandgate”.
....History, Directory & Gazetteer of Durham & Northumberland, 1827
..................Wilson William, pawnbroker, Love Lane (No other "Wilson pawn brokers" appear listed)
....Pigot & Co.'s Directory of Ches, Cumb ..., 1828-29. [Part 1: Ches - Northumb]
........................Pawnbrokers Wilson Wm., Love Lane.
In 2020 we get another Dognose post listed in this section of the Forum showing an advert circa 1909 relating to “J&E Wilson” at Clock House Pilgrim St. Newcastle.
viewtopic.php?p=180953&hilit=wilson+New ... Don%2DTyne
The question is, can the connection be identified between J&E Wilson and the business of William Wilson.
I found a little earlier advert for J&E Wilson. This is circa 1894 and the address is 12 Pilgrim St. also confirming the concern was started in 1780.
The Kelly's directory of Newcastle, Gateshead, Sunderland, North & South Shields, & suburbs 1883 adds a little more information as John and Edward Wilson pawn brokers are at 12 Pilgrim St.
We can now see John and Edward Wilson using the same business premises as Wm. Wilson had in 1858. Family possibly, but there is information lacking for the 25 years between 1858 and 1883. We can also see 12 Pilgrim St. is the street corner position with the identified High Friar Lane.
Trade directory entries go at least to 1916
Directory of Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1916
.............WlLSON, J&E, pawnbrokers, watchmakers, jewellers, &c. &c. (established 1780) Clock house, 12 Pilgrim St. (Cen. 1171) third door below Blackett St; private entrances, first 5 doors in High Friar Lane
Ward's Directory of Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1898
...............WILSON J. and E. pawnbrokers, watchmakers, jewellers, &c., &c. (established 1780) 12 Pilgrim Street, three doors below Blackett St; private entrances, first 6 doors in High Friar Lane.
Can you spot the difference? Not “Clock House” and they had an extra private entrance.
Kelly's Directory of Northumberland, 1894
.............Pawnbrokers Wilson John & Edward, 12 Pilgrim Street & High Friar Lane, See advert shown earlier.
Ward's Directory of Newcastle-on-Tyne, 1890
...............WILSON J. and E. pawnbrokers, watchmakers, jewellers, &c.,&c. (established 1780), 12 Pilgrim Street; three doors below Blackett St; private entrances, first 6 doors in High Friar Lane.
It is an obvious guess that William and John and Edward were close family, maybe father and sons. We would like to see “Wm Wilson & Sons”, “pawn brokers” in the trade record for the missing 25 years though, would we not? Also, regarding family connections, the 1801 Wm. Wilson may of course not be the same person as the 1858 Wm Wilson. Also, Wilson is by no means an uncommon surname, even in Newcastle pawn broking.
Directory of Newcastle upon Tyne & Gateshead, 1801
...............Wilfon (Wilson) George, pawnbroker, ditto (from Sandgate)
Ward's Northumberland & Durham Directory, 1850
................Pawn brokers. Wilson Mary, Stock Bridge
History, Topography & Directory of Northumberland, 1855
................Pawn brokers, Wilson Mary, Wall-knoll
Slater's Commercial Directory of Durham, Northumberland & Yorkshire1855 - Newcastle,
...................WiIson Elizabeth, pawn broker, Wall Knoll
Post Office Directory of Northumberland & Durham, 1858
...................Wilson Elizabeth (Mrs.), pawn broker, 13 Wall knoll
Kelly's directory of Newcastle, Gateshead, Sunderland, North & South Shields, & suburbs 1883
..................Pawn broker, WiIson E, Wall Knoll
..................Pawn brokers, Wilson Mrs Mary Ann, 33 St Nicolas Churchyard
Mary and Elizabeth Wilsons seem likely to have been related, but it is not proven to me.