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Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.
Posted: Mon Jun 11, 2018 2:29 am
by dognose
The tender of Messrs. Mappin and Webb, Sheffield and London, for the supply of electro silver-plated ware for the use of Her Majesty's Navy, has been accepted by the Lords of the Admiralty.
Source: Monmouthshire Merlin - 16th October 1874
Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.
Posted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 9:59 am
by dognose
An advertisement from L. Pinn & Co., Mappin & Webb's agent in Cape Town:

L. Pinn & Co. - Cape Town - 1909
Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.
Posted: Wed Jul 04, 2018 1:00 pm
by dognose
Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.
Posted: Fri Jul 06, 2018 5:56 am
by dognose
An interesting presentation was made on Monday night in London to Mr. John Dawson, a leading member of Colonel North's staff at his nitrate works in Chili. Colonel North presided. The gift was a handsome silver-mounted and silver-fitted liqueur and smoking cabinet table, a magnificent example of the silversmiths' art, designed and manufactured by Mappin Brothers, of Cheapside. The guests at the dinner comprised a number of City magnates, and the proceedings were of a most enjoyable character.
Source: Evening Express - 5th January 1992
Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.
Posted: Sat Jul 07, 2018 5:24 am
by dognose

M&W - Sheffield - 1958
Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.
Posted: Sun Jul 08, 2018 11:37 am
by dognose
Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.
Posted: Sun Jul 15, 2018 6:44 am
by dognose
Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.
Posted: Wed Jul 25, 2018 11:46 am
by dognose
At the 19th annual general meeting of the Sunderland Incorporated Law Society, Mr Ritson the retiring president, presented the president-elect with a badge of office. The badge was specially executed by Messrs Mappin and Webb, of London and Sheffield, from Mr Ritson's own design. It is a piece of beautiful workmanship, and was much admired. It comprises the seal of the society, with the scales of justice surrounded by a wreath of laurels in silver and gold, and the name of the society engraved on blue enamel. It is to be worn on a ribbon of Palatine purple, the colour of the Palatine Chancery Court of Durham. On the inside of the badge there is the fallowing inscription :- Presented to future presidents in succession of the Sunderland Incorporated Law Society by Henry Ritson, S.S.C., president 1879, 1888, and 1890, in grateful recognition of the confidence thrice reposed in him by the society."
Source: South Wales Daily News - 20th December 1890
Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.
Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2018 6:25 am
by dognose

Mappin & Webb-Mappin Brothers - London - 1907
Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.
Posted: Sun Aug 05, 2018 7:54 am
by dognose

Mappin & Webb Ltd. - London - 1932
Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.
Posted: Mon Aug 27, 2018 5:51 am
by dognose

Mappin & Webb Canada Limited - Montreal - 1921
Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.
Posted: Fri Aug 31, 2018 1:25 pm
by dognose
.........This is peculiarly true of Messrs. Mappin and Webb's works in Norfolk-street. Every household, almost, in the kingdom possesses something made by the firm—spoons, dish covers, coffee pots—and the result was, of course, that the works possessed a popular interest, which attracted crowds. It may not be generally known to our readers that the late Mr. Newton Mappin presented to Sheffield an art gallery, which contains pictures—and that in numbers—of the very highest class of modern art; and those who love art and yet visited Sheffield without seeing the Mappin Gallery have not a little to regret. A curious fact was stated to us during our visit to the works. Some few years ago Messrs. Mappin and Webb invented and patented a method of securing the ivory handles to dinner knives. The tangs are not only screwed in, but secured by a special cement. All went well for a time, but after a while knives began to come back to the works to have the blades renewed, and it was then found that the blades could not be got out, and so, after weeks had been fruitlessly spent in experimenting, the firm offered a reward to anyone who would solve the problem, and devise a plan by which the blades could be removed without injuring the valuable ivory handles. In a few days the reward was claimed by and paid to one of the workmen. We are not at liberty to say how the thing is done, but it is done to perfection. The whole event constitutes a curious little episode in the cutlery trade.
Source: The Engineer - 8th August 1890
Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.
Posted: Sun Sep 16, 2018 7:17 am
by dognose

Mappin & Webb Ltd. - London - 1907
Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.
Posted: Wed Oct 03, 2018 12:00 pm
by dognose

Mappin & Webb Ltd. - London - 1907
Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.
Posted: Wed Oct 10, 2018 12:13 pm
by dognose

Mappin & Webb - London - 1874
Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.
Posted: Sat Oct 20, 2018 5:28 am
by dognose

Mappin & Webb Ltd. - London - 1907
Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.
Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2018 4:44 am
by dognose

Mappin & Webb's Ltd. - London - 1901
Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.
Posted: Mon Nov 05, 2018 4:30 am
by dognose
Messrs. Mappin Brothers have recently opened new premises at 66, Cheapside, London.
Source: The Furniture Gazette - 15th December 1890
Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.
Posted: Sat Nov 10, 2018 8:44 am
by dognose
Salt spoons by Mappin & Webb:

M&W - Sheffield - 1908
Re: Mappin & Webb - Mappin Bros. - Mappin, Webb & Co. - Info.
Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2018 2:01 pm
by dognose

Mappin, Webb & Co. - London - 1865