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Re: Some London Advertisements and Information
Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 7:45 am
by dognose
96, Brompton Road, London
The Bankruptcy (Discharge and Closure) Act, 1887. In the High Court of Justice, in Bankruptcy.
In the Matter of Louis Simmons, of 96, Brompton-road, in the county of Middlesex, Dealer in Old Silver, a Bankrupt.
Notice is hereby given, that upon the application of the bankrupt, the Court has appointed Tuesday, the 20th day of December, at half-past eleven o’clock in the forenoon, at the Court sitting in Bankruptcy, No. 34, Lincoln’s-inn-fields, in the county of Middlesex, to hear an application on the part of the above-named bankrupt for an Order of Discharge, pursuant to the Bankruptcy (Discharge and Closure) Act, 1887.—Dated this 1st day of December, 1887.
Source: The London Gazette - 2nd December 1887
Re: Some London Advertisements and Information
Posted: Wed Jan 20, 2016 9:02 am
by dognose
122, Aldersgate Street, London
Notice is hereby given, that the Partnership heretofore subsisting between us the undersigned, Edward John Thompson and Thomas Walter Vine, carrying on business as Watch Manufacturers and Watch, Tool, File, and Material Dealers and Dealers in Watches and Clocks, Jewellery, and other Articles of a like nature, at No. 122, Aldersgate-street in the city of London, under the style or firm of Thompson and Vine, has been dissolved, by mutual consent, as from the 30th day of November, 1887. All debts due to and owing by the said late firm will be received and paid by the said Thomas Walter Vine.— Dated this 30th day of November, 1857.
E. J. Thompson.
Thos. W. Vine.
Source: The London Gazette - 2nd December 1887
Re: Some London Advertisements and Information
Posted: Thu Jan 21, 2016 6:33 am
by dognose
51, Strand, London
W. Gregory - London - 1885
William Gregory filed for bankruptcy in 1889 and the business was acquired by Samuel Smith & Son. Gregory was retained as manager by the new owners.
William Gregory was born at Uxbridge in 1837, he died at Hartley Wintney, Hampshire in 1904.
Further reading:
A Long Time in Making: The History of Smiths - James Nye - 2014
Re: Some London Advertisements and Information
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 6:07 am
by dognose
121, Hackney Road, London
Me. George Hayes, retail jeweller, of 121, Hackney Road, was robbed of five silver and four metal watches by burglars on Sunday, February 19. On the following Tuesday a lad called and asked him to repair a metal watch, which he at once recognised as one of those which had been stolen. He questioned the lad, and he said that he had purchased it from Alfred King, for Is. 6d. The police were communicated with, and Alfred King was arrested. He then said he had bought the watch from Alfred Sherwin, and the latter when questioned, said that he had bought it from a man whom he did not know. On Sherwin's premises being searched, the police discovered a bunch of skeleton keys, a bottle of aquafortis, a number of pawntickets, and a file. King and Sherwin were arrested and brought up at Worship-street to-day. Mr. Hannay remarked that the evidence connecting them with the burglary was so very slight that he could not send them for trial upon it. The finding of the skeleton keys and the other articles was, however, an element of great suspicion. The prisoners would be discharged, but the keys would remain in the possession of the police.
Source: The Watchmaker, Jeweller and Silversmith - 2nd April 1888
Re: Some London Advertisements and Information
Posted: Fri Jan 22, 2016 6:22 am
by dognose
281, Strand, London
Commemorative Silver Wedding Medal. — Mr. J. W. Palmer, of 281, Strand, has forwarded a neatly executed medal, struck by him in commemoration of the Silver Wedding of their Royal Highnesses the Prince and Princess of Wales. We understand that the medal has been accepted by their Royal Highnesses, and that it is intended to distribute 1,000 of them among the school children in London.
Source: The Watchmaker, Jeweller and Silversmith - 2nd April 1888
Re: Some London Advertisements and Information
Posted: Mon Jan 25, 2016 8:20 am
by dognose
48, High Street, Deptford, London
Nathaniel Wegg - Deptford - 1852
Re: Some London Advertisements and Information
Posted: Tue Jan 26, 2016 10:09 am
by dognose
37, Barnsbury Road, Islington, later, 26, Marriott Road, Tollington Park, London
Bills of Sale
Perring, Henry Thomas Hewitt, 26, Marriott Boad. Tollington Park, Manufacturing Jeweller. June 1. £20, &c. Given to Union Advance Company.
Source: The Watchmaker, Jeweller and Silversmith - 5th July 1881
Henry Perring registered his mark, H.P. contained within an oblong punch, with the London Assay Office on the 7th January 1874.
Re: Some London Advertisements and Information
Posted: Tue Feb 02, 2016 3:39 pm
by dognose
13, Sise Lane, Queen Victoria Street, London
Perpetual Self-Winding Watch Co. - London - 1881
Sole West End agents: Walter Thornhill & Co.
Agents for India: H.S. King & Co.
Re: Some London Advertisements and Information
Posted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 1:47 pm
by dognose
5, Clerkenwell Road, London
F.W. Chapman & Son Ltd. - London - 1933
Established 1887.
Re: Some London Advertisements and Information
Posted: Sat Feb 13, 2016 7:50 am
by dognose
46-47, Frith Street, Soho, London
Dows, Clark & Co. - London - 1885
Noted as exhibitors at the Vienna Universal Exhibition of 1873, the International Health Exhibition at London in 1884, and the International Cookery & Food Exhibition, London, 1885.
Re: Some London Advertisements and Information
Posted: Sun Feb 14, 2016 10:14 am
by dognose
90, later 168, St. John Street, Clerkenwell, London
WAE - Birmingham - 1894
The business was converted into a limited liability company by 1913.
William Amaziah Ellwick entered his mark with both the London and Birmingham assay offices.
Re: Some London Advertisements and Information
Posted: Tue Feb 23, 2016 6:00 am
by dognose
133, New Bond Street, London
White and Campbell - London-1871
At Marlborough-street on Thursday, Hector John Pullen, of 6, Addison-road, was charged with stealing jewellery above £2,000 in value from his employers, Messrs. White and Campbell, jewellers, of No. 133, New Bond-street. He was remanded, and bail was refused.
The Pall Mall Budget - 28th May 1875
Alleged Robbery of Jewellery.—Hector J. Pullan, of 6, Addison Road, was brought before Mr. Knox on the charge of stealing jewellery, above 2,000l. in value, from his employers, Messrs. White & Campbell, jewellers, of New Bond Street.—Mr. Ryan prosecuted, and Mr. Poncione, jun., defended.—Mr. Ryan having opened the case, called Mr. Thomas Gammon, pawnbroker, of Sloane Street, who produced a bracelet pledged on April 15, with other articles, by the prisoner, for 40l.—In reply to Mr. Poncione, the witness said the prisoner left the contract notes for the articles in his possession. —Mr. Thomas White, of the firm of White & Campbell, identified the articles produced, and said they bore the stock marks of the firm, and were missed when stock was taken.—In reply to Mr. Poncione, the witness said the articles were purchased from the manufacturers, and other houses might have similar goods supplied them by the same manufacturers, but they bore the marks of his partner, who would attend on a future occasion.—Detective-sergeant Meiklejohn said he apprehended the prisoner, and on telling him the charge he exclaimed, "Good God, do you mean it?" and witness then told him that he had found 400l. worth pledged in Sloane Street. Witness found a jewellery case and a pistol and ammunition.— In reply to Mr. Poncione, the witness said the pistol was not loaded, but the prisoner had some ammunition in his pocket.—Mr. Knox remanded the prisoner, and refused to accept bail.
The Watchmaker, Jeweller and Silversmith - 1st June 1875
The business of Thomas White and Frederick Campbell was established in 1871. Thomas White had formerly been with Hunt & Roskell, and Frederick Campbell with Elkington's.
The firm were noted as exhibitors at the International Exhibition in 1872:
The British jewellery exhibited by White and Campbell includes a very beautiful necklace and ear-rings of lapis-lazuli and gold. The whole is extremely rich, and the colour of the stones in the ear-rings is unmatchable in its beauty and strength. A necklace, too, of ivy-leaves in green enamel, by the same firm, is very good in treatment, but, from the prevalence of yellow in the gold and the green enamel, the harmony is not quite perfect. The introduction of the enamel in the onyx brooch is in exquisite taste, as is also a bracelet, characterised by a geometric treatment of white enamel and small rubies.
Journal of the Royal Society of Arts - 4th October 1872
At the marriage of the Duchess of Norfolk there were twelve bridesmaids: each of them was presented with a bracelet of a most beautiful design and of great value. The manufacturing of these presents was confided to Messrs. White and Campbell, jewellers, 133, Bond Street, London. The bracelets are composed of massive gold flexible bands of an arabesque design and richly studded with pearls. The crystal centre is set with pearls, and bears the monogram in diamonds of the bride's name—"Flora" surmounted by the ducal coronet. The centre-piece of each bracelet may be removed and worn as a pendant.
Industrial Art - J.H. Lamprey - 1878
The partnership was dissolved on the 31st December 1879.
Re: Some London Advertisements and Information
Posted: Sat Feb 27, 2016 3:54 pm
by dognose
62, St. Martin's-le-Grand and 4, Aldersgate Street, London
John Faulkner - London - 1862
Established in 1828.
Re: Some London Advertisements and Information
Posted: Fri Mar 11, 2016 3:25 pm
by dognose
24, Percival Street, Clerkenwell, London
An example of the work and mark of H.B. Johnson & Co.:
H.B.J & Co - Birmingham - 1910
The business of Henry Benn Johnson, was, by 1913, in the hands of Edwin Oliver, who, on the 29th July 1914, entered his own mark 'E.O' with the London Assay Office.
H.B. Johnson & Co. were registered at the London and Birmingham assay offices.
Re: Some London Advertisements and Information
Posted: Tue Mar 15, 2016 5:59 am
by dognose
23, Hatton Garden, London
Letter to the Editor:
23, Hatton Garden, London E.C.
October 1895
Dear Sir, - The slump in the Share Market will hit some of the Hatton Garden fraternity heavily, and for a few days a lot of fine jewels can be bought cheap.
Is there anything you could do with, and, if so, would you allow me to send you a parcel on approval?
It is quite an exceptional moment.
Assuring you at all times of my best services. I am yours truly
E.M. Marcoso
Source: To-day - A Weekly Magazine-Journal - Edited by Jerome K. Jerome - 26th October 1895
Edward M. Marcoso established his business in 1866. He died on the 15th December 1905 after being thrown from his horse at Rotten Row. His stock was auctioned by Christie's soon after.
Re: Some London Advertisements and Information
Posted: Wed Mar 16, 2016 1:21 pm
by dognose
Re: Some London Advertisements and Information
Posted: Sat Mar 26, 2016 8:38 am
by dognose
2, Duke Street, West Smithfield, London
26 & 27, Bartlett's Buildings, Holborn, later, 73, Hatton Garden, London
Springweiler & Thomson - London - 1843
The business of the step-father and step-son, Andrew Barnard Springweiler and Frederick Octavius Thomson, was dissolved on the 30th September 1849.
The original business appears to pass to Andrew Springweiler's nephew, John Harvey:
John Harvey - London - 1853
John Harvey - London - 1853
John Harvey - London - 1854
With Frederick Thomson branching out on his own:
F. Thomson - London - 1852
F. Thomson - London - 1868
Re: Some London Advertisements and Information
Posted: Mon Mar 28, 2016 12:17 pm
by dognose
46, Clerkenwell Green, London
F. Hannaford & Son - London - 1880
Established in 1816.
This is probably Frederick Hannaford, who was recorded at 71, Newman Street, Oxford Street in 1846. Frederick was noted as succeeding to the business of Mrs. Mary Hannaford.
Re: Some London Advertisements and Information
Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2016 7:51 am
by dognose
29, Addington Street, York Road, Lambeth, and 15, Walbrook, London
The Patent (Metal) Die Company, Limited, has been formed for making expeditiously and cheaply dies in steel, for jewellers, silversmiths, art metal workers, &c.—in short, for all trades where dies are used for producing ornaments or stampings in metal ; also for dies used in hot forgings. Owing to the great expense and delay attaching to steel dies made by hand, the trade is in many instances driven to use cast-iron dies : this method is imperfect, the work having to be chased after the stamping has been done, involving much loss of time and expense. The Company, by their patent process, produce steel dies from any given pattern, quickly and at less cost than by any previous method. They have erected suitable and extensive machinery at their works, 29, Addington Street, York Road, Lambeth, S.E. The City Offices are at 15, Walbrook, EC.
Source: The Watchmaker, Jeweller and Silversmith - 5th February 1883
Re: Some London Advertisements and Information
Posted: Tue Apr 05, 2016 5:19 am
by dognose
31, Lawrence Lane, Cheapside, later, 35 & 36, Aldermanbury, and 39 & 40, Chiswell Street, London, 26, Fountain Street, Manchester, and 107, Duane Street, later, 35, South William Street, New York
S. Guiterman - London - 1879
Converted into a limited liability company on the 29th June 1899, the directors recorded as Sigmund Guiterman, Albert Lazarus Guiterman, Herbert Mortimer Guiterman, George Rosenfeld, E.L. Rosenfeld, and Harry Richardson as Secretary.
S. Guiterman & Co. Ltd. went into voluntary liquidation on the 8th June 1966.
The firm entered a mark, S.G & Co Ltd contained within an oblong punch with curved indents top and bottom, with the London Assay Office on the 18th February 1905.