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Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Tue Nov 22, 2016 7:55 am
by dognose

26, Holborn Viaduct, London, and Montreal

Israel Michalson - London - 1920

The business of Israel Michalson.


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Fri Nov 25, 2016 5:58 am
by dognose

22, Amwell Street, Clerkenwell, London

Benjamin Frost, 18, porter ; George Frederick Stokes, 18, engraver; and Harvey Dickson, 18, groom, were indicted for stealing a bag, three diamond rings, two gold bracelets, a brooch, and divers other articles, value £80, the property of William Windust, the master of Frost ; and Harvey Dickson was separately indicted for stealing ten gold bracelets, three silver spoons, a gold watch, and other articles, value together £60, the properly of Jacob Moseley Joseph ; and Mark Whitehead, jeweller and watchmaker, in an extensive way of business at North Street, Chichester, was indicted for receiving the same, well knowing it to have been stolen. Mr. William Windust, carrying on business as a jeweller at 22, Amwell Street, Clerkenwell, said that Frost was in his employment as messenger, and had been for the past three years, his conduct being so good that he was in the habit of entrusting him with valuable jewellery, which it was his duty to leave with various customers on what is known in the trade as " approbation," the articles being returned to the manufacturers when not sold. On the morning of the 8th December Frost started on his rounds as usual, about ten o'clock in the morning, and on his return a couple of hours later than usual in the evening, he stated that whilst on the way he had met Dickson, who asked him to collect a small account, promising at the same time to take care of his bag until his return. On coming back Dickson had disappeared with the bag, and nothing was heard of it or its contents until Inspector Peel, attached to the criminal Investigation Department, received on the morning of the 8th a telegram from Portsmouth, stating that Stokes had been arrested at Portsmouth while endeavouring to pledge some of the jewellery. Inspector Peel at once sent Sergeant Briers, who conveyed Stokes back to London, and on hearing from him certain communications, he at once took Frost into custody. The others were shortly afterwards arrested, and when Whitehead was taken into custody, he at first denied any knowledge of the greater portion of the jewellery, but afterwards stated that he had sent part of it to London to be repaired. This, however, was ascertained to be untrue, as the articles were found in his possession after his arrest. Mr. Windust was severely cross-examined by Mr. Thorne Cole, on behalf of Whitehead, to show that the price given by him for the jewellery was not much out of place, as it was a well-known fact that jewellery was sold at more than double its first cost. A pawnbroker's assistant purchased a certain portion of the property from Dickson and Stokes, and subsequently he gave information to Inspector Peel regarding the transaction. The prisoners, when pledging the articles, stated that they were a birthday gift from an aunt. Dickson was put into the witness-box, and gave evidence against the other prisoners. Mr. Forrest Fulton addressed the jury on behalf of Stokes and Frost. Mr. Thorne Cole made an energetic defence on the part of Whitehead, and called a number of witnesses, amongst them the Mayor of Chichester, who gave him a very excellent character, extending over a long series of years. The jury found Stokes and Frost Guilty, and Whitehead Not Guilty, but considered that he had acted with great indiscretion. Mr. Prentice sentenced Frost to one day's imprisonment, and to find recognisances in the sum of £10 to be of good behaviour ; Stokes to be imprisoned and kept to hard labour for six months, and Dickson to be imprisoned and kept to hard labour for twenty months, and three years' police supervision.

Source: The Watchmaker, Jeweller and Silversmith - 6th February 1882


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Wed Nov 30, 2016 1:44 pm
by dognose

59, Elizabeth Street, Belgravia, London


Leo De Vroomen served his apprenticeship in The Hague and qualified as a Master Goldsmith in Switzerland, he came to London in 1965. He lectured at the Central School of Art and Design prior to setting up his own studio/workshop in the early 70’s.

Twice winner of the De Beers Diamond International Award, De Vroomen was given a retrospective exhibition at the Goldsmiths’ Hall in 1991.

The maker's mark of Leo De Vroomen:


De Vroomen are registered with the London Assay Office.


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Sat Dec 03, 2016 12:21 pm
by dognose

20-22, Jewin Crescent, London and Offenbach, Berlin, Paris, Liverpool and Sydney

An example of the work and mark of Eduard Posen & Co.:





EHP (Eugene Henry Posen) - London - 1907

Established in 1838.

13th September 1865
2347. DAVID HYAM, and JOHN HYAM, both of Houndsditch, in the City of London, Warehousemen, for an invention for—“An improved fastening for purses and other like articles.”—A communication to him from abroad by Carl Posen, Jacob Posen, Ludwig Pohl, trading under the firm of Eduard Posen and Company, all of Offenbach, in Germany. Letters Patent sealed.

Source: Chronological and Descriptive Index of Patents Applied for and Patents Granted, Containing the Abridgements of Provisional and Complete Specifications - 1866

A.D. 1869, February 16.—No. 466.
POSEN, Heinrich, of the firm of Eduard Posen and Company, of Offenbach, in the Grand Duchy of Hesse, manufacturers (at present temporarily residing at Christopher Street, Finsbury, in the county of Middlesex.)–(A communication from Ernst Philipp Hinkel of Offenbach aforesaid.)–(Provisional protection only.)—“An improved fastening for purses, pocket books, belts, and other articles.”
One portion or member of the fastening consists of a fixed plate, block, or piece in which is a recess or notch, and on or over this plate is another but moveable plate which is free to work by sliding action or otherwise in such manner as to cover and uncover the recess or notch. The other portion or member of the fastening is a stud, tongue, knob, or projection of such form as to correspond with, and fit into the recess, and it is so arranged and situated as to be capable of being readily taken in and out of the recess. To effect the fastening, the tongue or projection is placed in the recess, and the working plate moved in such direction as to cover the projection in the recess, thereby holding the projection therein. For the unfastening action, the plate is moved in the reverse direction or so as to uncover the projection in the recess and release it. Guides and springs may be added to obtain more efficient action.

Source: Chronological Index of Patents Applied for and Patents Granted - 1870

14th January 1879
194. To Sidney Posen, of the firm of Eduard Posen and Company, of Offenbach-on-the-Main, in the empire of Germany, and of Basinghall Street, in the city of London, Manufacturers, for the invention of "Improvements in clasps or fastenings for albums, scrap-books, and the like."

Source: The Commissioners of Patents' Journal - 14th January 1879


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2016 3:07 pm
by dognose

Clerkenwell Road, London

An example of the work and mark of D.J. Silver Repair:


DJ above S - London - 1965


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2016 3:21 pm
by dognose

20-22, Buxton Street, later, 113, Goswell Street, Clerkenwell, London


Robert George Cattell, Goswell-street, Clerkenwell, Middlesex, tobacconist.

Source: The Jurist - 6th January 1844

In the matter of the Petition of Robert George Cattell, fomerly of No. 22, Buxton-street, Clerkenwell, Jeweller and Commission Agent, and late of 113, Goswell-street, both in the Parish of St. James's, Clerkenwell, and county of Middlesex, Tobacconist, Jeweller and Commission Agent.

Source: The London Gazette - 27th February 1844

Robert George Cattell entered his mark, 'RGC' contained within an oblong punch, as a Goldworker, with the London Assay Office on the 11th May 1840.


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2016 3:06 pm
by dognose

22, Saint James' Street, Piccadilly, London

The Bankruptcy Act, 1869.
In the London Bankruptcy Court.

In the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrangement or Composition with Creditors, instituted by George Evans Upton and Thomas Alfred Hussey, of 22, Saint James'-street, Piccadilly, Middlesex, Jewellers and Silversmiths and Copartners in Trade, the said George Evans Upton residing at 104, Cambridge-street, Pimlico, Middlesex, and the said Thomas Alfred Hussey residing at 7, Jeffrey's-road, Clapham-road, Surrey.

NOTICE is hereby given, that a First General Meeting of the private creditors of the above-named George Evans Upton has been summoned to be held at the Inns of Court Hotel, 269, High Holborn, Middlesex, on the 17th day of November, 1875, at three o'clock in the afternoon precisely.—Dated this 23rd day of October, 1875.

LEWIS and LEWIS, 10, Ely-place, Holborn, Attorneys for the said Debtor.

The Bankruptcy Act, 1869.
In the London Bankruptcy Court.

In the Matter of Proceedings for Liquidation by Arrangement or Composition with Creditors, instituted by George Evans Upton and Thomas Alfred Hussey, of 22, Saint James'-street, Piccadilly, Middlesex, Jewellers and Silversmiths and Copartners in Trade, the said George Evans Upton residing at 104, Cambridge-street, Pimlico, Middlesex, and the said Thomas Alfred Hussey residing at 7, Jeffrey's-road, Clapham-road, Surrey.

NOTICE is hereby given, that a First General Meeting of the private creditors of the above-named Thomas Alfred Hussey has been summoned to be held at the Inns of Court Hotel, 269, High Holborn, on the 17th day of November, 1875, at half-past three o'clock in the afternoon precisely.-Dated this 23rd day of October, 1875.

LEWIS and LEWIS, 10, Ely-place, Holborn, Attorneys for the said Debtor.

Source: The London Gazette - 26th October 1875


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Fri Dec 16, 2016 3:34 pm
by dognose


Examples of the mark of the South London based jewellery designer Joy Bonfield Colombara:

JBC - London

JBC - London


Joy Bonfield Colombara studied jewellery and silversmithing at the Glasgow School of Art and graduated there in 2014. She has also attended the Hiko Mizuno College in Tokyo, and with the Make Works in Scotland.


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Tue Dec 20, 2016 3:22 pm
by dognose

34, Hatton Garden, London

H.H. Guttridge - London - 1876


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Wed Jan 04, 2017 6:46 am
by dognose

1-3, Sun Street, and 9 & 11, Wilson Street, Finsbury Square, and 50-53, Cowper Street, City Road, later, 23, Silver Street, London

James A. Jacobs & Co. - London - 1895

James A. Jacobs & Co. - London - 1897

In the late 19th century the business was in the hands of James Augustus Jacobs, and when the firm was converted into a limited liability company in c.1912, its directors were listed as James Augustus Jacobs, Bertram Jacobs, George Henry Chantrey, and William Herbert Chantrey.

The business entered their mark, 'J.A.J&Co.', with the London Assay Office, on the 20th January 1903 and 19th June 1903, and 'JAJ&Co.' on the 11th May 1912.


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2017 6:13 am
by dognose

Leyton Green, London

About half-past two in a recent morning a Leyton policeman, seeing three suspicious characters loitering about, demanded their business. Noticing one had no boots he proceeded to search him, and finding housebreaking implements upon him succeeded in taking him to the police station. Subsequently it transpired that Henry Scott, jeweler, of Leyton Green, had been disturbed in his slumbers. Proceeding towards his workshops in the rear he discovered that the door between them and his scullery had been wedged. Nothing had been removed from the shop, but a pair of boots was found in the yard. Another man was subsequently arrested, and both were committed for trial.

Source: The Watchmaker, Jeweller and Silversmith - 2nd October 1893


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2017 2:33 pm
by dognose

Bridge House, 181 Queen Victoria Street, London

Company Meetings in Brief

Points from Speeches

British Metallising Co. - (Mr. B. Fairfax Conigrave)

We have in this room samples of what we can do, and I think it may fairly be claimed, when you reflect on the beauty of the work you see before, that customers will be willing to pay for and prefer a British metallising article showing, as they do, a new standard of the silversmith's art.

Source: The Financial Times - 24th July 1928

The British Metallising Company Ltd. entered their mark, 'BMCLd' with the London Assay Office.

Noted as exhibitors at the British Industries Fair of 1929.

The British Metallising Company Ltd. went into voluntary liquidation in 1934.

See: Information Regarding the British Metallising Co. Ltd.


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2017 3:29 pm
by dognose

343, Oxford Street, London

Macdaniel - London - 1844


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Sun Jan 15, 2017 6:26 am
by dognose

338, Oxford Street, London

Andrew Dods - London - 1844


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Tue Jan 17, 2017 8:44 am
by dognose

15, Place Simon Stevin, Bruges, Flanders, and 83, Baker Street, Portman Square, later, 36, Manchester Road, London

Louis Grossé - Bruges and London - 1884

L. Grossé - London - 1902

Louis Grossé - London - 1913

L. Grossé - London - 1920

Louis Grossé Ltd. - London - 1967

Established 1783.

The address of 83, Baker Street was noted as occupied by Van de Castecle Grossé in 1891, and Louis Grossé in 1897.

Van de Castecle Grossé entered his mark, 'VCG' with the London Assay Office, on the 23rd September 1891.


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2017 8:10 am
by dognose

17 & 19, Beer Lane, Great Tower Street, and 20 & 21, London Street, Fenchurch Street, and 33, Walbrook, London

W.J.C - London - 1912

Walter James Carroll entered his marks, 'W.J.C' contained in various cartouches, with the London Assay Office, on the 10th October 1907, 16th June 1908, and on the 27th August 1908.


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2017 7:28 am
by dognose

304, Oxford Street, London

James Danieli - London - 1844


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Thu Feb 02, 2017 7:12 am
by dognose

Hooper Street, Goswell Street, London

Edward Lever - London - 1861


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Fri Feb 03, 2017 6:31 am
by dognose

181, Strand, London

Gould & Porter - London - 1869

Gould & Porter - London - 1873

Gould & Porter - London - 1874

Successors to William Cary.


Re: Some London Advertisements and Information

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2017 5:33 am
by dognose

78, Farringdon Street, Ludgate Circus, London

Walter Lawley - London - 1883

Established in 1780.
