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Pyramid w/ Palm Tree Hallmark on 14K 1870-1910? Pocketwatch

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2008 10:27 pm
by vote4tom
My 10-year-old daughter, who shares my love for all things vintage, came across this beautiful little 14K pocket watch and asked me to get it for her. I did. Since opening it to take the pictures included here, the watch has kept accurate time non-stop for more than a week. Some of my expensive brand name watches are not this accurate! I have been unable, however, to identify it in any way, as to either maker or date of manufacture. Based on watch movement design, I believe it dates to the early 1900's or late 1800's. The case is exactly 30MM and the markings are as shown. The several jewelers I have shown it to could offer nothing other than it is unusual for it to be made with 14K(585) gold, in their opinion, unless it had been made by a well known maker of the day. The hallmark of a pyramid complete with palm tree is especially baffling to me. Then there is the letter V on the second picture in the lower left corner under the serial number? No item I have ever had has stumped like this one has. Any help on any part of this puzzle would be appreciated.



Posted: Thu Jan 31, 2008 5:33 pm
by admin
Please describe the little mark to the right of the 585. It is probably the only actual hallmark on the piece.
Thanks, Tom

Posted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 9:49 pm
by vote4tom
If I could figure out a way to get that portion of the watch onto my flat bed scanner, at 14000 DPI resolution, I would be able to answer that question. I have a new camera that could probably get better results, but I have been unable to figure out exactly how the close-up features work. A member of another forum where I have asked for help likewise asked about that particular mark so I guess it is important. After zooming in on the best photo I have of the mark, the best I could see, and this might be completely wrong, is that at the top portion it looks similar to a keyhole, round at the top and tapering to rectangular at the bottom. Underneath that appears to be single punch hole. Again, at these magnifications, it could all be in my head, but that is what I think I see. I don't know if this helps?

Posted: Wed Feb 06, 2008 12:31 am
by vote4tom
I have tried to focus in on that mark and this is my current best effort. I hope it helps.
