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Birmingham sea food forks maker and marks are 'odd'?

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 9:52 pm
by sam7iam" onclick=";return false; Please see the 8 photos here.

Please view the 8 photos I've taken of these forks. They are marked 'sterling'. There is a very faint W monogram on the front. The marks in question are : Lion , Anchor, B . These photos were very difficult to take: using a magnifying lens WITH the 'close up' lens and camera features along with variations in lighting! phew.... Please forgive the 'low' quality.

The lack of a 'head' helps a bit, the lion is nearly indistinguishable by photograph, but by 'eye' it appears to be backward facing or just rubbed and cleaned to death! The Anchor is the only clearly visisble feature making these certainly from Birmingham. The B is a capitol and is on a sort of octagonal base. This suggests 1850 as a date, but I've no idea as to a potential maker? The style is very simple and elegant, which probably doesn't help. Please folks, any ideas?? I've done all I am able.

My Grandfather traveled extensively in the Navy and we have got many items from GB. One interesting item is a bread fork by Atkins! Very cool. I'd like to be able to tell my children more about these forks and pass on the history. Thank you all so very much!
Norman Pallas

Posted: Sat Feb 23, 2008 10:18 pm
by dragonflywink
American maker Gorham's Norfolk pattern, introduced in 1904." onclick=";return false;


That makes more sense!

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 3:54 am
by sam7iam
Geez, I can be dumb! Didn't even think of that.....thanks. It must be. Do you know if that pat # makes sense? THanks Cheryl!

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 7:26 am
by dragonflywink
Not a patent number, but the year the design patent for the pattern was issued (1903).


FOUND IT! on eBay..... Gorham 'Villa Norfolk'

Posted: Sun Feb 24, 2008 1:53 pm
by sam7iam
Thanks Cheryl, so I did a broad search, Gorham patened patterns 1903 and zap! Villa Norfolk, aka Norfolk.

Thanks again so very much for your kind help.


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