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Swedish Marks ID

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 5:30 pm
by salmoned

I need a little help figuring this set of marks out.

1) Maker mark 'FL' - Listed as Nordstroms EFTR F, Linder Carl L, 451 01 UDDEVALLA. Unregistered 1926. Is this a company name, then a personal name and finally an address?

2) City mark 'U' - for Uddevalla?

3) Three Crowns mark in lobed frame - made in Sweden of .830 fineness?

4) 'S' - for silver?

5) 'U7' - for 1922 (Can't go wrong here, eh?)

Re: Swedish Marks ID

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 8:13 pm
by Hose_dk
salmoned wrote:1) Maker mark 'FL' - Listed as Nordstroms EFTR F, Linder Carl L, 451 01 UDDEVALLA. Unregistered 1926. Is this a company name, then a personal name and finally an address?
It should be read Carl L Linder, Nordstroms EFTR
and EFTR is short for efterträder (i think it is spelled like that, in Danish it would be efterfølger). And it means successor - he has taken over an existing business with the name Nordstroms. In scandinavia many companies are small and the owner is the firm.
451 01 zip-code of Udevalla being the town.

rest of info you are correct.
One thing register started in 1913 - and every business already operating at that time was set as started in 1913.

Posted: Sat Mar 29, 2008 8:40 am
by Matulda
Almost right, but it's a bit more complicated because of the way Swedac write things. They start with the last name, (Svensson Anders instead of Anders Svensson, for instance) which is fine when it is just a single name, but in cases like this, it gets a bit mixed up.

The founder of this company was called Carl L. Nordström. His successor (efterträdare) was called F. Linder. Hence, the name of the company is, correctly written, Carl L. Nordström Eftr, F. Linder.

Also, a comment on the three crowns mark (cat's paw): It doesn't necessarily mean that the object was made in Sweden, it means that it was controlled by Swedish officials. Imported items controlled in Sweden after 1988 has the same mark. (Between 1913 and 1988 there was a separate oval mark with three crowns for imported objects.) It states that the fineness is at least .830, but it can be higher. Since 1974 an additional fineness mark is required. In this case it is .830 which is standard in Sweden.

Posted: Tue Apr 01, 2008 3:46 pm
by salmoned
Thanks, it was difficult to correlate the 'FL' mark with the [fictional] "Carl L Linder".