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French Ivory and Silver Salad Set

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 7:13 pm
by SilverSurfer
I have an ivory and silver salad set (apparently) pictured below:


The fork measures about 28.5 cm in length. Interesting that both fork and spoon ivory ends include large, rounded drops, serving no real functional purpose as they might (arguably) in more typical all-metal implements. Both handles are hollow (resin filled?). I can't get a decent photo of the maker's mark, too small and recessed, but it is star over JB over star in a lozenge. There are also Minerva quality stamps, #1 I believe, but not sure. Might anyone be able to identify this maker? Also any opinion as to why ivory? Just to be different? Thank you for any information!

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 7:38 pm
by SilverSurfer
Scanned the maker's mark (partially struck) and the Minerva, pictured below. Poor quality, sorry, best I can do, may help some:


Posted: Sat Jun 07, 2008 3:14 am
by Bahner
Hello, possibly J. Boivin from Paris. Best wishes, Bahner

Posted: Sun Jun 08, 2008 9:05 pm
by SilverSurfer
Thank you for the information. Might you also have the working dates for this silversmith? Thx.


Posted: Sat Sep 13, 2008 5:42 pm
by jgl
Patronyme M.O. : Boivin
Prénom (état civil) : Jules
Initiales : J.B.
Profession : Fabricant Orfèvre
Lieu d'activité : Paris
Adresse de l'atelier : 15 rue de Quatre-Fils
Date d'insculpation : 20 janvier 1862
Date de biffage : 1er février 1881
N° de préfecture : 7320
N° de garantie : 7109
Symboles : deux étoiles, un croissant renversé
Successeur : BOIVIN Victor (fils) 1897-