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800M mark debate + Bruckmann & Soehne + Posen

Posted: Sat Oct 18, 2008 11:09 am
by muraille
I have been reading with interest other posts regarding the 800M mark debate and thought there would be an interest in this item. Unless I am mistaken (and if I am, please let me know), this was made by Bruckmann & Soehne and sold by Wwe Posen. The inside is gilded. Anyway, it seems to me it is definitely German, yet it has the 800M mark. I liked the interpretation that it stands for "mil", but I think someone thought it might be for gilded items. Anyway, hope you find it interesting!

forum2.bmp (309 KB)


Posted: Sun Oct 19, 2008 1:15 pm
by jackk
Hi, Not all the items that I saw having 800M mark were gilded...