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unknown marker (Germany)

Posted: Sat Nov 01, 2008 4:30 pm
by Theoderich
a sugar tong
I think it is "Bauhaus" - time ~( 1925 - 1935)" onclick=";return false;

Sugar tong

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 4:23 pm
by silverport
It's the brandmark of F.W. Quist, Esslingen/Neckar for products in silver.
Kind regards, Silverport

Re: Sugar tong

Posted: Fri Jul 03, 2009 4:52 pm
by Theoderich
Yes Thanks - but you are to late - this mark is now in the Encyclopedia since half a year

Bauhaus sugar tong in silver alloy, by Quist, Esslingen

Posted: Sun Jul 05, 2009 10:48 am
by silverport
I liked to see the object’s photo before I had post my last remark; but there wasn’t any photo available from maybe Bauhaus style object.

In my collection I’ve a silver bowl made by Quist — but in an «Art Déco» style; and same marks.

I tend to say — without could see a photo just now — that the object could be in an equal «Art Déco» style.

Quist started with plated products — later they produced also products in silver. But never had I seen until yet the same or equal product made in both materials (silver and plated). It seems to me that there was a strict division between these two different product lines.

In Esslingen itself the town’s museum is an enthusiastic collector of all kind of Esslingen products.

Stadtmuseum im Gelben Haus
Hafenmarkt 7
D-73728 Esslingen am Neckar

Tel.: ++49 711 / 35 12 3240
Fax: ++49 711 / 35 12 3229

Scientific member of staff: Mr. Rilling" onclick=";return false;

Lit.: Museums catalogue «SilberSachen» - ed. 2004 — available
(Hollowware exhibition was from 21 March 2004 until 15 August 2004; theme: Hollowware Industry in Esslingen from 1815 until 1981. The catalogue is worth to be Esslingen collector’s reference.)

Infosite (in German) on past exhibition «SilberSachen»:" onclick=";return false;
Push on upper left side: Rückblick — search in new window: Rückblick über vergangene Ausstellungen — pull down and push: Silber Sachen — that’s it (nice illustrated to)

With kind regards, silverport

Re: Bauhaus sugar tong in silver alloy, by Quist, Esslingen

Posted: Tue Jul 07, 2009 7:02 pm
by Theoderich

There is an image of the piece.