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Arts Crafts Silver mark 925 1000 Boston Porter Shreve
Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 12:37 pm
by salsor
Mystery mark American Arts & Crafts silver bowl dated 1906.
925 1000
Hand wrought- I have had similar pieces before. Originally thought it was Porter Blanchard. Someone suggested Boston Handicraft, possibly connection to Shreve Crump & Low.
Posted: Sat Mar 28, 2009 4:20 pm
by admin
At present, no one seems to know the maker who used this stamp, but the mark is usually seen in conjunction with a number of northeastern U. S. high quality retailer's marks including; Marcus & Co., Shreve, Crump & Low, Theodore B. Starr, Galt & Bro. & J. E. Caldwell. The 1907 Daniel Low & Co. (Salem, Mass.) catalog illustrated and offered a great deal of work by this maker. For at least a couple of years, I've been meaning to contact the Salem Historical Society to find out more about Low and try and learn if they had a workshop on site and may themselves have actually been the producers of these pieces.
I don't believe there is any chance of these pieces having been done by any of the Blanchards, the craftsmanship exhibited in them is just not up to their level.
Regards, Tom