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Unidentified cigarette case IV

Posted: Sun Nov 08, 2009 3:35 pm
by Postnikov

cigarette case, Moscow 1908-17(26). master HBM.

The case:


The mark:


Help very welcome!



Re: Unidentified cigarette case IV

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 12:19 pm
by piette
Hi Postnikov,
I am not sure if I am allowed to post a response to such an old thread on here but I have a plain silver spoon with a makers mark the same as yours 'HBM' except the cartouche on mine has slightly 'sharper' corners.
I am just wondering if you ever found out who the maker was, as I would be interested to know about the maker of this one - that is assuming it is real. (Even if it is a fake its not a big loss - I picked it up very cheaply when I first gained an interest in Russian silver!)
It is marked with the 1908-1917(26) kokoshnik, and the delta letter for Moscow and has the makers mark HBM (although I am wondering is perhaps this is in cyrillic for NVM??)

My spoon:



Re: Unidentified cigarette case IV

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 2:42 pm
by Postnikov
Hi piette -

as a member you are of course allowed to post pictures! You must post....:-)

My cigarette case and your spoon are no fakes and all marks are authentic. In Moscow I can not find his name - only in Krasnoje, but the date 1898 does not fit. I think the nowledge about this smith was destroyed together with numerous othe documents in those days, to get space in the archives.


Sorry - nothing new.

Regards and thank you for your attention

Re: Unidentified cigarette case IV

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 2:52 pm
by piette
Postnikov wrote:Hi piette -

as a member you are of course allowed to post pictures! You must post....:-)

My cigarette case and your spoon are no fakes and all marks are authentic. In Moscow I can not find his name - only in Krasnoje, but the date 1898 does not fit. I think the nowledge about this smith was destroyed together with numerous othe documents in those days, to get space in the archives.


Sorry - nothing new.

Regards and thank you for your attention
Thank you Postnikov! :-)
It is nice to know that this piece is the first genuine and authentic Russian silver item in my collection!
You have made my day with this information :-)


Re: Unidentified cigarette case IV

Posted: Sat Dec 04, 2010 3:16 pm
by Qrt.S
Yes unfortunately a awful lot of documentation was destroyed around the turn of the century as unnecessary papers.

Anyway, I found a third HBM in St- Petersburg He is Nikolai Vasilijevitsh Malyshev, but neither the town nor the year 1874 match in this case either.

Mind my asking Postnikov but why are talking abot Krasnoje (Selo) when the town was Kostroma where your mentioned HBM worked, what is the connection?
Krasnoje is a town south of St Petersburg while Kostroma is north east of Moscow.

Have a nice evening


Re: Unidentified cigarette case IV

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:11 pm
by Nero5
Hello !
It can not be Mazov Ivan Vasil'ev, becauze it is IVM - И В М. But the mark is NVM - Н В М. I found two marks of Н В М in P-Loseva : Maslov Nikolay Vasil'ev, Krasnoe, 1898 (number 1009 p.175) and inknown artist, after 1908, Moscow (number 2715 p. 222)

Re: Unidentified cigarette case IV

Posted: Mon Dec 06, 2010 4:41 pm
by Postnikov
Hi Nero5-

you are absolute right - it is HBM - everybody but me can see that!! New glasses!!!!!
I tend to PL # 2715, the Kokoshnik is 1908-17(26) - the unknown master, Moscow

Thank you very much!
