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Swiss Matterhorn Scene Plate

Posted: Fri Nov 27, 2009 11:19 pm
by nsujeff
Hello ,
I have a plate made of silver with a Swiss scene of the Matterhorn. No history on it, as I found it at a flea market. It has an inscription in Schwyzdeutsch on a banner between the two men. Thanks for any info on where and when it was made. Jeff

Posted: Sat Nov 28, 2009 5:07 pm
by Joerg
Hello nsujeff

This is not the Matterhorn. I do not think it is a specific mountain, but an idealistic mountain area. The three coat of arms resemble Uri (top), Schwyz (left) and Unterwalden (right). These are the three founding cantons of the Swiss confederation. They founded a federation in 1291. The two guards wear clothes of Swiss mercenarys of around 1500.
The scene is commom for objects made in the late 19th century.

I am not capable of identifying the marks, maybe some other forum member can help. But if you poste a zoom of the text in the banner we may be able to help identifiny the origin of the plate, based on the language/dialect and the content.

Regards from Switzerland


Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 1:47 am
by nsujeff
Sorry Joerg, I should have looked at the mountain closer, it is definately not the Matterhorn! Here is the text from the banner, hopefully it is clear enough to read. My family originated in canton Solothurn with some coming here to Ohio in the 1800s. Thanks for your help!


Posted: Sun Nov 29, 2009 3:03 pm
by Joerg
Dear nsueff

the text is very difficult to read and translate. I came up with following version:
"All zeit frölich und frisch gewagt
Dabey guraschi und unverzagt
So wird er von Kamandern verjagt"

"guraschi" is a very old word for courage, but ist not in use anymore
Never heard of the Word "Kamandern", from the content it seem to be something like fear, anxiety.

Here how I would translate it:
All time bright and freshly daring
Including courage and undismayed
So he will be free of “Kamandern” (anxiety)??

The German used here sound old, definitly before 1900, but it could also be before 1800.
To get closer the manufacturer mark needs to be identified.

Sorry, that is not much help


Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 5:58 pm
by stecci
Hello Jeff

The maker mark is the Oeri by Hans Peter (1637 - 1692), Master in 1672 with Zurich. Even the picture in the bowl like his work.
To give you precise information, I need bigger pictures of the mark's.


Posted: Tue Dec 01, 2009 5:59 pm
by stecci

Maker = Hans Peter Oeri (1637 - 1692)

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 8:22 pm
by nsujeff
Thanks for the information Joerg and Stecci. Had to find a higher resolution camera to get a better photo. Here is a close up of the makers marks. The one on the right really shows better detail. Hopefully this will helpful in identification. Please click on the image to make it a lot bigger.
Thanks again from Jeff in Ohio

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 9:00 pm
by stecci
Dear Jeff

So mark the far left is clearly a landmark which was used by Bossard's studio in Lucerne.
The mark HP is only like the Mark of Oeri. The mark "K" is a fantasy marks. Bossard has used such marks on the customer's request. To 1879, Goldsmith J. Bossard, the collection of models of the famous goldsmith Peter Zürcher Oeri has been able to buy - therefore the similarity of the work of forgeries Bossard Oeri.

So you're one of the most famous and some infamous historicizing works from the workshop of Bossard. It has been definitely made after 1879 and probably before 1900.

For more information about Bossard and his "fraud" you will find the following book:

Altes Silber - imitiert - kopiert - gefälsch / E.L.Richter / Keyser München, ISBN 3-87405-153-6

Best regards


Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 9:07 pm
by stecci
Dear Jeff

What is even more important:
In 1911, the "Antique Collection" by Bossard was auctioned in Munich (Galerie Helbling). Bossard came from so many fakes on the market. Maybe your property is so comes into possession of your family.


Swiss history relief board

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 9:48 pm
by silverport

Joerg translated on Nov. 29 three quarter of inscription; but "Kamander" was difficult. Reason: K instead of k; solution: kam (= keinem) andern verjagt. Last sentence signification is: He wouldn't be chased away by any other.

Kind regards silverport

Posted: Fri Dec 04, 2009 11:09 pm
by nsujeff
Hello Stecci
This is great information. I have searched here in America for years without luck. I will definately purchase the book...from Amazon or ?
Thank you very much again!
Jeff in Ohio

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 1:08 am
by nsujeff
Hello Silverport,
Thank you for your help also! A German language teacher here in Ohio was not sure of the old words either.
Thanks! Jeff

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 8:43 am
by stecci
Hello Jeff

I do not know if you can find this book in the trade yet. I think it is out of print. Perhaps you can find it in a circulating library. If you do not succeed, I can give you the chapter about Bossard scans.

Posted: Fri Dec 11, 2009 2:29 pm
by nsujeff
Hello Stecci,
Yes I would appreciate the scans concerning Bossard. I did not find a copy of the book in the local used bookstores and the closest library with one is about 500km away.
Thanks again from Ohio,