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Scandinavian Spoon
Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 3:40 pm
by pauley61
Looking for info on origin of this spoon. 1st image is of three flagged towers beneath which are the numbers 49, all within an oval. 2nd image is of a small s with a larger J superimposed over the s, all within a circle. Spoon is of simple, scandinavian design. View image of spoon: ... PhotoID=78" onclick=";return false;
View image of Hallmark at: ... PhotoID=81" onclick=";return false;
Thank you in advance for any help.
Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 5:00 pm
by dragonflywink
It's from Denmark, the three-tower mark indicates a fineness of at least 826/1000 silver, the "49" is for 1949, the "SJ" is for the Danish assay-master Johannes Siggaard, in office from 1932-60. No makers mark.
Cheryl ;o)
Scandinavian Spoon
Posted: Sat Nov 26, 2005 8:12 pm
by pauley61
Thank you so very much! I have a set of ten of them which I had known nothing about until now! I was certain from the design that they should be Scandinavian as the style is rather distinctive. It is wonderful to know their origin! Much appreciated!! Incidentally... do you know anything of Svensktten holloware?
Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 7:03 am
by Matulda
Now I'm interrested! When you say "Svensktten" holloware, do you mean that it's marked with "Svenskt Tenn"? And an angel?
"Svenskt tenn" actually means Swedish pewter, but it's also the name of a company in Stockholm that was the most influential manufacturer of furniture and exclusive household items in Sweden in the 20'th century. I'll tell you more if you start a new thread on this subject, and add some pictures!
Posted: Mon Nov 28, 2005 3:45 pm
by admin
see ->" onclick=";return false;
Posted: Sun Jun 04, 2006 6:46 am
by Hose_dk
I can confirm that the 3 towers are from Denmark.
The 3 towers was used in 1608 for the first time and the mark has been produced ever since. A new mark every year so you can always see what year an item was produced. This Copenhagen system ended in 1870.
After 1870 every silver smith in Denmark could use the 3 towers.
This continued up until 1977 when the last of the 3 towers mark was produced. And thereby ending an 370years of tradition.
The book "Danske sølv mærker" in 3 sections - one for Copenhagen, one for the rest of denmark and one for Sønderjylland. Contains every identified years mark from 1608. From this you can identify whether it is 1842 or 1942 or 1742 for that matter. Because the 3 towers differs in look.
By the way i have just bought a 1832 piece that the seller had identified as 1932. Due to the lack of knowledge of identifying marks. Therefor I also hope that someone will re-publish that book. It is impossible to get one. So I have to do with a copy that i borrowed.
The books also contains several thousends of mark of (danish) silver smiths up till the year 1870.
Where 925-1000 gives from 1870 and untill today.