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Need help with marks on a newer pitcher please Thanks

Posted: Sat Mar 20, 2010 10:04 pm
by Tylerp327
Image Image

This isn't old. I think it's only 10 to 15 yrs old. Any help would be great. Thanks

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 11:50 am
by dognose

They are pseudo marks, imitating official Sheffield hallmarks.


Yikes !!!

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 4:46 pm
by Tylerp327
Hello, Before I posted the pictures I spent quite a while on the website trying to identify the marks on my own. I thought the crown didn't look right which is why I didn't post the pictures in Sheffield Silver but posted in the general British section.
I must say that I assume the pitcher isn't old since it was given as a wedding present then passed on to me but I have no way to know it's age for sure. Inside the box was a note saying " I hope you enjoy this gift from Greece". I don't know if that note is referring to the pitcher or not. Also inside the box was a small flyer from a gallery in Rome Italy "Amati Galleria la Fontanella". This gallery flyer lists their display items, among them Sheffield silver. I am assuming that the item came from here but once again I have no way to substantiate that.
Would you mind explaining the "pseudo marks"? How did you know? Is it British silver or is that mark worthless as well? How do these marks effect the item itself. I guess I should check to to see if the pitcher is even sterling, yes?
I am very new to silver marks and have found this site and everyone who has replied to my posts very very helpful. Thanks very much. This is a great site.

Posted: Sun Mar 21, 2010 5:25 pm
by dognose

I can tell you very little about these marks as I don't believe I noted them before, but as long as there's been a hallmarking system, there's been pseudo marks. Sometimes they mean to deceive, but often they are just a subsitute for official marks when the silversmith has no access to an official assay office. Your item could well be silver, maybe below, maybe above the sterling standard, a reputable jeweller should be able to assist you.

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