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Mystery 15 Loth Fish Server. Early 19th C. German???

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 5:06 pm
by mysterymarks1
This fish server is 7 1/8" long or 18 centimeters. I have 5 others that are marked with (12) instead of (15) and they do not have the initials, "K & B"
Is this an early German Loth mark?

(admin note - moved from American Silver Forum????)

Re: Mystery 15 Loth Fish Server. Early 19th C. German???

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 6:42 pm
by Theoderich
Hansa and a key (Bremen)

but I have never seen such an mark from Bremen

Plated Fish slicer, made by »HANSA«, Bremen, Germany

Posted: Thu Apr 08, 2010 6:50 pm
by silverport

The shown Fish slice was electro plated by »HANSA« = Hanseatische Silberwarenfabrik A.G., Bremen, Osterdeich 241 (Hanseatic Silver Wares Factory Inc., Bremen, Eastern Dyke 241).

»15« would be - in this case - weight of pure silver (999/1,000) used for electro plating one Fish slice and one Fish fork.

»HANSA« was from 1 January 1930 on a merger of two companies’ for their flatware production. This name mark - Bremen town symbol = key of St. Peter integrated - was their Trademark for Electro Plated. »HTB« (T signification is a hammer = symbol taken over from Wilhelm Binder company's WTB) is their Trademark for Silver.

»K&B« is a totally different interpretation from Koch & Bergfeld's, Bremen short sign for their plated products. Maybe added to have an appearance to be a British product?

Kind regards silverport