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Silver honey servers, mark looks like palm in a fleur-de-lis

Posted: Mon May 31, 2010 7:36 pm
by baileythomas
I have three honey servers on small plates. They are not marked sterling but have tested as sterling. They are 1 1/2" in diameter and the trays are 2 1/2" in diameter. They are signed on the bottom with a mark that I believe is that of the lulav (or palm fronds in a fleur de lis pattern) but that is just what I gathered form trying to find anything on the internet. Does anyone know what this symbol is and to what company it is attached? Also I am guessing that they are honey servers, I am not even sure that is what they are for. Thanks for any insight anyone may have. Also not sure as to country of origin.
(admin photo edit - images too large - link only - see Posting Requirements )

3-feathers bunch mark; Servers made in Brooklyn?

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 8:42 am
by silverport

A while ago, there was a question in »925-1000« to a similar mark of a 3-feathers bunch.

Please look here: ... t=feathers" onclick=";return false;

I’m not involved in the American markings — but by this range of products, which came up with a similar mark, I guess, these items are made from a producer with sounded experiences in making hollowware of several styles, and in quality the market like it as well.

So, I guess, these could be made by: E. G. Webster & Son, Brooklyn, NY

Please look here:" onclick=";return false;

A confirmation for my guess is needed — maybe one of our American contributor’s makes his »thumb up«?

Kind regards silverport

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 4:21 pm
by baileythomas
Thank you very much! I looked into it and this definitely looks like the maker! Do you agree that they are honey servers or do you have any other ideas as to their use? Your help is very much appreciated!

Sorry that I'm 70 year ago born stupid (Joke!)

Posted: Tue Jun 01, 2010 6:18 pm
by silverport
Hello Thomas

Also you’ve described the dimensions I couldn’t imagine for what kind of original use they were designated. Sorry, I’ve only a very sporadic knowledge of English live style — the American one is totally unknown for me, also that at least two third of my family lives there.

Imaginable for me is, that it is maybe only a kind of glass holder, e.g. for a hot punch in frosty wintertime?

I will hold in mind this, and make a hard copy from the photos — in about two weeks I would met again some Americans in our regional foreigners association; then I will ask them on this theme.

For bad luck maybe, until yet not all knowledge is available in internet sources.

I will in about middle of June report the sought on this item. Please have patience for a short while only; thank you!

Kind regards silverport

Original destination of use of these objects remain unknown?

Posted: Fri Jun 11, 2010 7:22 pm
by silverport
Hello Thomas

If not one of our American contributors could find out the function of these »individuals«; actually it must remain unsolved.

During our meeting I’ve asked all — men and women from several nations of the globe. All are at least triple until quadruple twen’s — so, there were a lot of live experiences. For bad luck, there wasn’t any American — but an English man who had lived there about one decennium.

Nobody had any idea of original function — in relation of the dimensions, isolated handles, no “spout” …

All women and one man had doubts on how to clean these individuals inside, except in a dishwasher.

Let’s wait and hope

Kind regards silverport

Miraculous »individuals« - maybe candle holders?

Posted: Thu Jun 17, 2010 11:28 pm
by silverport
Hello Thomas

By similarity of some details (dimensions, handles …), could the function of these »individuals« maybe candle holder?

Kind regards silverport

Posted: Tue Jun 22, 2010 2:32 pm
by needtoknow
I would respectfully suggest that the mark looks more like the Prince of Wales feathers and the items look like Turkish coffe servers. In England there was a revival of drinking Turkish coffee in the 1950's/60's. Josephine.

Used for Turkish coffee? Maybe even not?

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 6:30 pm
by silverport
Hello Thomas

As Josephine suggested that these items are maybe used for Turkish coffee, I couldn't either reject or confirm.

Some days ago I've met other members of our foreigners association - a lot of them from England; and been in lifetime between triple and quadruple twen’s.

Nobody remembered to have ever seen such kind of item - especially not used for Turkish coffee too.

A man protested contra the idea to have to drink a hot brewed Turkish coffee out of a metallic item - how could you kiss then after yours beloved with scald lips?

Tomorrow time is too short to ask members during an embassy meeting.

I'm now afraid, this remains a mystery for a while - but maybe write to the PR department of successors of E. G. Webster & Son.

Your American English they would understand much better as my home spun English.

Good luck!

Kind regards silverport

Posted: Mon Jun 28, 2010 7:25 pm
by admin
I suspect these were meant to have porcelain or glass inserts.
Regards, Tom

Re: Silver honey servers, mark looks like palm in a fleur-de

Posted: Sat Nov 13, 2010 4:41 am
by conniecleek
I too was looking for that mark which was on a couple of silver covered butter dishes. It is the mark of the Barbour Silver Co. , not the E.G. Webster Co.

Re: Silver honey servers, mark looks like palm in a fleur-de

Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2010 6:52 pm
by silverport
Hello »conniecleek«

Welcome to the Forum.

Thank you for yours reply!

Could you please add an image of yours »Barbour Silver Co.« marks to this topic?

Please read »How to add Images«:" onclick=";return false;

Actually I prefer the Host service of:" onclick=";return false;

There you could also change the dimensions of the images, that they fit well.

Thank you in advance!

Kind regards silverport