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Spoon Hallmarks
Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 11:11 pm
by conrad4
OK I'm not certain if these spoons are after 1860. My suspicion, is that they are older. I looked on every page on this site, and all over the internet, and I'm stuck. I hope I'm not in the wrong place and apologize, if I am.
These two spoons have 3 easy to see marks. They both also say, C. SANDE(X) on the stem. (mabey there was an X at the end) I'm hoping their early 1800's. I'd appreciate any help, about who made these, as well. Thank you for your time, Sincerly, Conrad Hoppe
Re: Spoon Hallmarks
Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 12:19 am
by silverly
For the mark on this spoon, I'd have to go with Charles Sanders who worked in Schenectady, New York and for a rough date circa 1850. If I'm looking at the correct Charles Sanders, he was born in the 1820's.
Once you find Charles on the internet you may also find James Sanders in Scenectady. The little bit that I've seen of the two of them has their working periods reversed. James was born in about 1800.
Re: Spoon Hallmarks
Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 12:43 am
by silverly
I have a correction to my recent post here. James had a son named James who was also a jeweler and who was born in about 1835. Charles was also the elder James's son. So as it turns out, from what I am seeing the working dates for Charles are too early, and the working dates for the two James's may need some distinguishing.
Re: Spoon Hallmarks
Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 9:44 am
by wev
There are two of each, Charles and James:
Charles Sanders was born in England in 1775 and died in Schenectady, but it is not clear if he actually worked there. He trained as a jeweler and established a prosperous business in London. He married a Miss White, with whom he had four children, including
1. James, born in England February 24, 1800, died in Schenectady, New York, February 26, 1886; he was a jeweler and watchmaker; came to the United States about 1830; married Emma Winter and had a son, James, born 1837, who was a watchmaker.
2. Charles born in England, November 4, 1806, died in Glenville, New York, December 28, 1881. Like his brother, he learned the jeweler's trade with his father and worked in the family store in England. He followed James to the United States, settled and worked briefly in Schenectady, the took up farming in Glenville, where he died.
Re: Spoon Hallmarks
Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 10:08 am
by silverly
Well that more than adequately distinguishes that whole lot of them. Thanks wev!
Re: Spoon Hallmarks
Posted: Mon Jul 12, 2010 4:33 pm
by conrad4
Thank you both so much. I had seen the sanders name whilst looking once, but i was thinking, it would be alot of nonsense, about Col. Sanders, so I did'nt investigate it. Well, I just googled it again and found James Sanders and with the the three marks. Walla, may all fortune and good health be bestowed upon you. Sincerly, Conrad