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New Here! Would like some help with this SS Ring.

Posted: Wed Aug 11, 2010 1:53 pm
by rhinestonegreyhounds
Good Afternoon and thank you in advance. I have been lurking and searching this website and many others in the past few days for some information on this ring my husband purchased at a garage sale. It's SS marked STERLING with coral & opal. I was told by a knowledgeable person on anothe forum that the mark is that of a partial sun. She checked in out any could not find it in her reference book. She knows her stuff and said that the opal in this ring is a Gilson opal.

I am taking a chance hoping I can get some more information. Again, it has a STERLING mark and what looks to be a partial/half sun. I originally thought it may be feathers?
Thanks again.

indian 008.JPG
indian 010.JPG
indian 008.JPG

Re: New Here! Would like some help with this SS Ring.

Posted: Tue Mar 23, 2021 11:03 am
by Traintime
Mark of [Half-sun in arc over "SS"] is currently linked to jewelry artist/designer Stephanie Stamp.