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Help identifying this continental silver vase

Posted: Fri Aug 13, 2010 4:10 am
by rat-tail
Hi Any thoughts on this arts and crafts silver vase would be appreciated. My first thoughts were Portuguese or possibly Italian, but hoping someone recognises the marks. There are what might be the remnants of some marks under the rim, but these could just be tarnish areas, they proved impossible to photograph. One real flight of fancy might be that the round hallmark could be a rubbed Moscow mark, but the piece doesn't look Russian and it would be missing too many marks. Many thanks Frank


Re: Help identifying this continental silver vase

Posted: Sun Aug 15, 2010 12:21 pm
by joho
Hi Frank - have you considered North Africa or the Middle East? Just a thought.


Re: Help identifying this continental silver vase

Posted: Wed Sep 01, 2010 3:06 pm
by rat-tail
Hi Joho - many thanks and my apologies for not seeing this earlier. been travelling. Looking at the marks certainly the Middle East could be an option. A friend thought he saw the numbers 800 in the long mark, but I don't. Not sure where to start though. Wish i could actually see something identifiable in all the dots and dashes. Regards Frank