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Bruckmann & Sohne. Time period?

Posted: Tue Dec 07, 2010 5:34 pm
by afaynerman
I have a silver cup by Bruckmann & Sohne.

Do you know what time period it can be?

Thank you

Re: Bruckmann & Sohne. Time period?

Posted: Fri Dec 10, 2010 4:06 am
by salmoned
Yes, thank you. ;)

Re: Bruckmann & Sohne. Time period?

Posted: Tue Dec 14, 2010 9:00 pm
by silverport
On a hyper vague question it’s very difficult to give a precise answer.

Hello »afaynerman«

You’ve a silver cup by Bruckmann & Sohne.


But maybe you’ve also some imagination, that we haven’t any clairvoyants in »925-1000«.

Why you’ve chosen to place yours question without an image of the item and another very clear image of the maker’s mark?

Is it a yoke, laziness’, sadism; all of that I don’t understand.

So it’s very difficult to give a precise answer on yours very vague question.

If the item has really a maker’s mark of »P. Bruckmann & Söhne«, then the almost precise answer is that the item is maybe made between 1863 and 1973.

Now I hope that you would become a really Gentleman (Yiddish: »afaynerman«); and you would stop for ever this kind of questions!

Thank you in advance for yours comprehension!

Kind regards silverport