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Puifourcat flatware
Posted: Mon Jan 03, 2011 6:59 pm
by Margaux
Can anyone give me more information on this flatware patern. It was made by Emile Puifourcat (E canif du bureau P)
How is it called?
In what period was it made?
I have seen the same pattern made by Christoffle, does anyone have more information on this?
Re: Puifourcat flatware
Posted: Tue Jan 04, 2011 8:11 pm
by 2209patrick
One of my references shows two fish knives with your pattern.
Does not identify it, but dates the knives to c.1880.
Says they have both the hallmark Minerva 1st standard and maker's mark for Maison Puiforcat.
Re: Puifourcat flatware
Posted: Sun Jan 09, 2011 11:21 am
by Margaux
Yes, two beauftiful knifes in the same patern. The details on the blades is most frequently seen on serving flatware in this patern.
I do have two other fishknifes (both part of complete sets) which are different:
The one above is hallmarked for Christoffle and the second one for Emile Puifourcat.
Re: Puifourcat flatware
Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 9:54 am
by silverfan
I think the pattern is called Puiforcat Empire Cygne. See David Allan "French Silver Cutlery of the XIXth Century" page 76. Or ask for a mail address to be able to send a photo for confirmation. Puiforcat, 48, avenue Gabriel, F-75008 Paris, Phone 0033-1-45631010 (belongs to Hermès now).
Regards silverfan