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unknown hallmarks on 5 spoons

Posted: Wed Feb 02, 2011 6:54 pm
by spoonmaster
I have 5 antique spoons.I know they are older because the handles are applied separately to the bowls. There are 4 hallmarks. I have done a little research on British hallmarks but can't find these. The main problem is they have worn off somewhat over the years. The first one looks like possibly 2 letters. The first letter is a sideways V and next possibly K or R but fairly worn so not sure. The next symbol is the Lion Passant with the number 2 under the lion. The 3rd one is badly worn, possibly a rams head but only guessing. The last one is smaller than the other 3 and looks like a very old British letter. The spoons are large, about 8 1/2 inches long.

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Re: unknown hallmarks on 5 spoons

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 12:56 pm
by oel
Hi Spoonmaster,

Your first mark, VK under crescent moon between two dots, is the maker’s mark for Firm J. M. van Kempen & Zonen, city of Voorschoten in the Netherlands, date entry 1858-1924.
Your second mark the Dutch lion passant with the 2, for silver of 833 fineness,used 1814-1953. Your third mark is the date letter C for 1912 and your last mark the Minerva head or Assay Office mark.
To be 100% sure about the date letter a picture of all the marks should be helpful.



Re: unknown hallmarks on 5 spoons

Posted: Thu Feb 03, 2011 3:59 pm
by 2209patrick