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Help me please to identify the mark.
Posted: Mon Feb 07, 2011 10:41 am
by Elena Russ
Hello, dear Sirs!
I have the several articles from Spain with mark five-pointed star, what confirms a purity of precious metal 915. I know this mark used from 1934 to 1988. I would like to identify the date of manufacture of these items more exactly. Can it do if I have the silversmith’s mars?
May be you will be able to recommend for me some special literature about Spain silversmiths and their marks.
Thank you.
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Re: Help me please to identify the mark.
Posted: Fri Feb 11, 2011 12:37 pm
by Funkel
Buenas tardes:
Las marcas (hallmarks), son españolas, del platero Dionisio GarcÃa, ya desaparecido. Esto es lo que puedo decirle de él:
Madrileño de gran renombre en la primera mitad del s. XX. Dionisio GarcÃa fue desde su pequeño taller en la calle Ferraz del barrio de Moncloa, a tener una gran fabrica de platerÃa en la C/ Juan de la Hoz, 6 con mas de 200 empleados, llegando a ser Platero del Rey Alfonso XIII. Fue su mujer Doña Carmen Marqués, y sus hijos que sepamos, Dionisio, Luis, Rafael (Faluchi) y NN quienes heredaron y continuaron con la producción. Se la puede considerar una empresa familiar ya que en ella trabajaron muchos miembros de la familia. Hacia 1981 la empresa quebró teniendo que cerrar tanto la fabrica como sus tiendas de C/ la Sal; C/ Esparteros; C/ Preciados y C/ PrÃncipe de Madrid.
Además del ánfora otras piezas las marca con "D. GarcÃa"
Un saludo
Good afternoon:
The marks (hallmarks), are Spanish, the silversmith Dionisio GarcÃa, no longer active. This is what I can tell you about him:
Madrid silversmith of great popularity in the first half century XX. Dionisio GarcÃa went from a small workshop in Calle Ferraz in the Moncloa district, to having a large silver manufactory on C / Juan de la Hoz, 6 with more than 200 employees, he became silversmith to the King Alfonso XIII. It was his wife Doña Carmen Marqués, and their children; Dionisio, Luis, Rafael (Faluchi) and NN who inherited and continued production. This can be considered a family business since many members of the family were employed. By 1981 the company went bankrupt having to close both the factory and its stores of C / la Sal, C / Esparteros; C / Preciados and C / PrÃncipe de Madrid.
Some pieces are marked "D. GarcÃa" in addition to the "amphora" trademark stamp.