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Need help on Iranian Hallmark

Posted: Tue Mar 22, 2011 5:16 pm
by WoolyBugger
This is a hallmark on a silver platter I have. If anyone can on this site can identify it I would appreciate it. I would like to know if it notates the silver content and if there is anyway to identify the maker and approximate age.

Thank you


Here are some closeups. The platter has scenes of deer, peacocks and unidentified animals with their tongues out.



Re: Need help on Iranian Hallmark

Posted: Sat May 14, 2011 2:26 pm
by WoolyBugger
Just to keep this thread alive I thought I would put another post up just to let everyone know that I check this site a couple of times a week to see if anyone browsing has offered any insight as to what the hallmarks mean. A silversmith who cleaned this platter for me said he thought it was 19th century Iranian but that's all I know about it. Any thoughts you have would be appreciated.



Re: Need help on Iranian Hallmark

Posted: Sat Sep 10, 2011 3:27 pm
by WoolyBugger
Just thought I would keep this post alive in case there is anyone out there that knows anything about these hallmarks.

Thanks for looking
