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Mysterious Hallmark #1

Posted: Fri Mar 25, 2011 7:56 am
by Yakoka
Can someone identify this hallmark featured on the lid of what appears to be a candy or sugar box made of three pieces: plate, crystal glass holder and lid. I am going to be posting different hallmark on the same piece featured on the plate in the following post.


Re: Mysterious Hallmark #1

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 12:45 am
by dinozaur2001
i post a reply on your next topic whit this sign.I forget to tell you -on the midlle of the sword is a turkhead.

Re: Mysterious Hallmark #1

Posted: Tue Sep 13, 2011 10:56 am
by dinozaur2001
i found that in romanian and i translate:

"The shield, with red outline, or slightly curved top edge, concave sides. A human arm, severed from the shoulder, holding up a sword sprinkled with blood, which is stuck in a Turkish head." On 28/05/1627, at Alba Iulia, Gabriel Bethlen, prince of Transylvania, gave noble title and coat of arms of nobility Tivadar Rogna called Gregory, his sons, Andrew, Ladislaus and John, and their descendants.''
the hand with sword is a wll know sing in the transilvania an hungarian heraldica,many noble family used that sign(with turkish head or without,with blood or no ,with the sun and moon etc).The Peterfi noble family used that hand with no head.