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Mystery Paris maker in 1708?

Posted: Thu Jul 14, 2011 7:28 am
by zilverik
My books are not sufficient for this master.
The master is: G M under a fleur de lis (uncrowned!), two grains, cross (or fleur de lis?). Further there is: A = Paris, crowned P = 1708/mid 1709. If the fleur de lis had been crowned, the the maker could be: Gregoire - Nicolas - Rene Masse (Beuque nr. 688, Helft page 213). Sun of Gregoire Masse. However that is highly unlikely because the fleur de lis of this master is uncrowned. Anyone has an idea of this mystery master?

Re: Mystery Paris maker in 1708?

Posted: Fri Jul 15, 2011 11:13 am
by zilverik
I just found a post from Wayan (Fr may 13, 2011): "Louis XV or Hanau" that answers the most of my questions. This is not 18e century. It is French and very well made in the LIV style. I guess late 19e century. The coupe of Wayan carry exactly the same false marks. I wonder who the very good (probably French) silversmith could be.


Re: Mystery Paris maker in 1708?

Posted: Fri Jul 22, 2011 4:15 pm
by zilverik

Someone informed me that the pseudo marks are to be found in: Jacques Helft """Nouveaux poincons"" 1980, Berger Levrault, page 246. I do not have that book myself. Maybe someone can - with this information - tell about when the pseudomarks were used.

