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Unknown Maker mark

Posted: Tue Jul 19, 2011 6:07 am
by vadmaster
Dear Friends,
Anyone know this french maker EDP?
Approximate years 1798-1809.
Thank you!







Re: Unknown Maker mark

Posted: Fri Jul 29, 2011 11:00 am
by zilverik

This is Paris, 1797-1809. The makersmark I could not find in my books. I found one mark EDP in that period for an onknown maker in Chaumont en Haute Marne (but this spoon is marked Paris) and a Paris maker EPD (a hart under fleur de lys, Etienne Profit Delage), but he died in 1793.
There is a book that I am looking for for a long time, but do not own, where this master shoud be listed: Dictionnaire Des Poincons De Fabricants D'ouvrages D'or Et D'argent De Paris Et De La Seine, 1798-1838 by Catherine Arminjon, Inventaire general des monuments et des richesses artistiques de la France, James Beaupuis, Michele Bilimoff (1991). I sure hope that the content of this book will be once published on the silver forum.



Re: Unknown Maker mark

Posted: Thu Aug 11, 2011 6:38 pm
by JayT
Arminjon attributes this mark to Edme Dupont, flatware maker working at 2, rue de Jérusalem in Paris. Dupont first registered his mark on 17 brumaire an V of the French republican calendar (7 November 1796). His symbol was a lilac flower.