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LIAS, John (Grimwade p.582)

Posted: Sat Sep 03, 2011 8:00 am
by MCB
Born c1770.
1841 UK Census for Thorn Cottage, Holloway shown as of independent means aged 70 years.
Died 1848.
England & Wales Deaths Index for Islington register dated 1st quarter 1848.
For further detail of the Lias business see John Culme's Directory of Gold & Silversmiths 1838-1914 Vol. I p.295-6.
The Will of John Lias, silversmith late of Finsbury Street, was proved for probate on 22nd March 1848 (National Archives reference PROB 11/2071/289).

Re: LIAS, John (Grimwade p.582)

Posted: Sat May 02, 2015 11:21 pm
by silverly
28 July 1804 John Lias Saint Lukes Old Street Middlesex Working Silver Smith paid apprentice indenture duty for James Berry.

Re: LIAS, John (Grimwade p.582)

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 2:19 pm
by dognose
Recorded as a Silversmith & Jeweller of 8, Finsbury Street, Chiswell Street.

Source: Johnstone's London Commercial Guide - Corrected to 31st August 1817 - Andrew Johnstone - 1818

Re: LIAS, John (Grimwade p.582)

Posted: Fri Apr 12, 2019 9:40 am
by buckler
Information from an eBay listing

"In 1818 he appointed his son Henry [John] Lias as his partner and the two worked together until 1879 when Henry Lias joined James Wakely in commissioning a firm which later was called Wakely & Wheeler in 1909. Approximately half of a century later, in 1957, the business merged with Padgett & Braham Ltd."

Re: LIAS, John (Grimwade p.582)

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2023 6:47 am
by dognose
Notice is hereby given that the Partnership lately carried on by us, as Silversmiths, in Finsbury-street, Chiswell-street, in the parish of Saint Luke,
Old-street, in the county of Middlesex, under the firm of John Lias and Son, was, on the 29th day of September last, dissolved by mutual consent.;—Dated the 11th day of October 1841.
John Lias.
Henry John Lias.

Source: The London Gazette - 15th October 1841