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Scandinavian Fish Mark? Really Need Advice Please

Posted: Tue Nov 15, 2011 10:45 am
by englishladyfromkent
Hello Everybody -

I have had this necklace for some time and am finally getting around to trying to find out who made it and where and when (is that all?)
The jigsaw of puzzle pieces on the pendant are all different types of Amber.

The marks on the back are two - one of a simple outline of a fish and one with the quality of silver which is 835 - sorry I have just noticed that the number appears upside down in the image, but it is very clear.

I would dearly love to know who used this simple fish mark and experience would point to the Scandinavian region, but that is purely guessing.
I haven't posted under any of those countries as I just dont know which one it could be!

Totally lost on this one (the second today and both amber) and would really appreciate some advice - oh dognose where are you ????

Thanks a million




Re: Scandinavian Fish Mark? Really Need Advice Please

Posted: Thu Nov 17, 2011 10:01 pm
by admin
See the G. Kramer entry in the German section:" onclick=";return false;
Believe this is the Fischlandschmuck mark and the piece would date to the 3rd quarter 20th century.

Regards, Tom

Re: Scandinavian Fish Mark? Really Need Advice Please

Posted: Wed Nov 23, 2011 2:07 pm
by englishladyfromkent
Thanks Tom - I thought it might be this company, but really was not sure. Your help is much appreciated.

Kind regards
