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Silver riza

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 10:16 am
I've found a silver riza.It seems very well handworked.
It has two cyrillic inscriptions at the right and left top corners.
It bears three hallmaks. One is similar to the mark of Heidelberg as reported in the book of Jan Divis.
The other one is the number 12 (12 lot I think).
But in the last one, may be the hallmark of the silversmith, I can't recognise nor latin letters nor cyrillic ones.
Maybe someone can give some information about the matter Thanks in advance

Re: Silver riza

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 12:07 pm
by Theoderich
Forget the book by Divis. In Germany there are roughly more than 40 cities that had a lion as a hallmark. These existed in many different variations. The 12 is not typical for the region of Baden-Wuerttemberg and Bavaria. But in the moment I can not say what city it could be here.

I will take the images of hallmark in my little encycopedia.

Re: Silver riza

Posted: Wed Dec 28, 2011 12:17 pm
by Theoderich
there is a similar Lion probably from Thuringia or Saxony - but there are over 20 citys
with a Lion as coat of arms.

Re: Silver riza

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 7:31 am
Hi Theoderich
Thanks for your remarks. So you agree about the german origin of the riza (maybe first part of XIX sec.?).
I think that the cyrillic inscription can be ignored (in fact you have an italian monstrance with a polish inscription). But I can’t understand which kind of symbol is in the third hallmark. Have you any idea about?
Thank you

Re: Silver riza

Posted: Thu Dec 29, 2011 8:36 am
by Theoderich
Yes - first part of 19 century may be correct.

The makersmark looks like TD. In Thuringia or Saxony we have typical 12 Loth or 10 Loth (625/1000) at least.