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Re: Unidentified Repousse Bowl Heraldic Sheild unmarked Help

Posted: Sun Jan 01, 2012 1:13 am
by RS
This is a repousse decorated 13.5 inch diameter 2 inch deep bowl, a loop is attached on the back for hanging as a wall plaque. The pattern is has a heraldic shield with a double headed eagle, a star, three crowns, and the initials K J. It doesn't appear to be marked anywhere. Any information as to origin or potential meaning of the symbol and initials will be extremely welcome and greatly appreciated.


Re: Unknown Origin Repousse Bowl Heraldic Sheild unmarked An

Posted: Mon Jan 02, 2012 1:36 pm
by Funkel
Casi con todqa seguridad se trata del escudo imperial de Toledo (España). Aguila bicefala entre dos columnas de Hércules. Lo que no puedo decirle es a quien pertenece el escudo interior.

Almost certainly this is the Imperial coat of Toledo (Spain). Double-headed eagle between two columns of Hercules. What I can not tell you is who owns the inner shield.

Re: Unidentified Repousse Bowl Heraldic Sheild unmarked Help

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2012 4:29 pm
by nobilityhouse
This appears to be a Peruvian silver bowl. Quite right about the Pillars of Hercules and the representation of Spain. The inner shield is the coat of arms of the city of Lima, Peru. The K is for Karolus (Carlos or Charles) and the J is for Johanna (sometimes the letter I or Y is used).The pomegranate at the bottom is for Granada, as found in the Spanish arms. Here is webpage with an example on a proclamation medal from 1789.

(admin edit - see Posting Requirements )

Re: Unidentified Repousse Bowl Heraldic Sheild unmarked Help

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:42 pm
by RS
Thank you both for your valuable information, you've placed me on the right track and without your input I'm certain I would still be searching for information so your willingness to share your time and knowledge is highly appreciated.