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German Vase-kassel City mark/berthold muller import mark?

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 7:47 am
by the_nosferatu
Picked up this fine vase recently,marks are giving me problems,it appears to be german silver kassel city mark circa 1840's? 50's? with an import mark for Berthold muller london circa 1913, i have had muller import pieces before but mainly cherub figures early 20th century, i would like to know if this vase is indeed older than the muller import mark for 1913 or is it contemporary to the import marking in age?who was the original maker and is it indeed german,kassel constituance.
my sincere thanks for any help in advance, weighs in at 23 troy ounces,,its a big boy!





Re: German Vase-kassel City mark/berthold muller import mar

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 8:46 am
by dognose

That's a Neresheimer piece. See:" onclick=";return false;


Re: German Vase-kassel City mark/berthold muller import mar

Posted: Thu Jul 05, 2012 9:14 am
by the_nosferatu
Thats fantastic thankyou! i was hesitant to hanau pseudo thus my not looking,a pleasure to learn something new everyday! i am delighted that i only paid scrap price for it,a real treasure that will not go in the melter!
thanks again for your keen and sagely wisdom
best regards