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Interesting Ring needs ID

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 8:34 pm
by lizb
This ring was given to me by my aunt, whom states she can verify it being in the family at least 40 years.
would the top left picture contain what silversmith stamp and 925 mark?
would the bottom left be 92 as in date mark? 1892?

its one of my favorite rings, with some good family history and would love to do more research.
Any help would be appreciated.


Re: Interesting Ring needs ID

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2012 11:50 pm
by lizb
maybe i could be wrong, with the 92 being silver mark? I
this is a tough one!

Re: Interesting Ring needs ID

Posted: Thu Sep 27, 2012 12:21 am
by JLDoggett
I believe thi 92 is a mistamping of the quality mark. That ring appears to be C. the late 1960's.

Re: Interesting Ring needs ID

Posted: Sun Sep 30, 2012 12:28 pm
by lizb
then im confused on the mark (top left) r those numbers too?