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Belgian Hallmarks Maker's Mark VR ??

Posted: Mon Oct 22, 2012 4:17 am
by Dendriet
Belgian Hallmarks
Weight: 239,6 gr
Like information about Maker's Mark VR.


Re: Belgian Hallmarks Maker's Mark VR ??

Posted: Tue Oct 30, 2012 8:03 pm
by blakstone
Van Regemorter C. & L. of Brussels, founded in 1876 by sister & brother Clémence (1841-1918) and Louis Van Regemorter (1850-1926). Louis continued the firm under his own name after his sister’s retirement in 1906 until at least 1920, but probably not much longer. They were primarily maufacturing jewelers, and were probably merely the retailers of your piece. Still: nice connection with one of the very few women in the trade at the time; prior to founding the firm, Clémence had worked for Brussels jeweler & chemist Jean Antoine Hubert (1816-1889).

Sorry this took so long; been very busy!


Walter van Dievoet, Répertoire général des orfèvres et des marques d'orfèvrerie en Belgique, v. II: 1798-1942 (Brussels: Académie d'histoire de l'orfèvrerie en Belgique: 2010), p. 116-117, mark A1-563.

Walter Van Dievoet, Dictionnaire des Orfèvres de Bruxelles au XIX Siècle (Louvain: Walter Van Dievoet, 2003), pp. 372-373, makers #678 & 679.

Re: Belgian Hallmarks Maker's Mark VR ??

Posted: Wed Oct 31, 2012 12:21 pm
by Dendriet
@ Blakstone,

Thanks again for the detection of the maker's mark.
For me, another mystery solved.
I've learned that I have to be patient. :)
So an apology was not necessary.
I had a silent hope that you would react. ;)))
